Shaman tank

btw… it would be way cooler as you said

This idea has been around for ages, got big support and makes sense - the 3 other “main” elements have their own spec, Earth should too!

So just dropping my 1+ for this idea once again.

Geomancer sounds a bit generic IMO tho, I’d go with “Earthwarder” for obvious reasons and coolness :smiley:


I’m also dropping a +1 for shaman tank, preferably as a 4th spec, as many people enjoy the enhancement DPS and it would be a shame to take it away from them.

…but in the end, as some has said above, the biggest problem of being a tank is the other players. I do some tanking on the side, paladin preferably, and it can be miserable. I rarely find healers the problem, but the DPS… Gah. Pulling without any means of dropping agro off to me, running off on their own, breaking CC, overagroing, standing in everything that hurts, and thinking disrupts is unnecessary gameplay. And when something do go wrong: whining, and rarely do they think they were to blame.

Ah well. The “Pleasure” of pugging I guess. :smiley:


I tank alot now, because people who play as dps is 3 times more than those who play as tank and two times more than healers. I must do twinks, paladin or monk or warrrior, even demon hunter, but i love my shaman, i choose this class, live with it thru pain and suffering of being low dps, being “yo man play resto” or “yo man enh is god playing ele=worthless” or “who play as shaman, for god sake” So if you Blizzard give me option to tank as shaman with earth like playstyle, maybe tank with powerful healing when he stand still, and loses strenght when he moves, or when he stand where we dont have earth ( in sky or under water. then he must create earth under his feet) i delete all of my alts! And please renew model of our elemental form talent. i think this form is too old for 2019.

No! No more tank classes needed. There’s six classes that can tank from the 10; Warrior, Pala, Druid, Demon Hunter, Death Knight and Monk. Yet all people play dps or healer because: OMFG BIG CRITZ!

Adding a shaman tank doesn’t solve the problem it’s that people don’t enjoy tanking and besides the current raiding setups don’t require that many tanks. In a raid of 40 there were 3 tanks, in raids of 20 and 25 there were 2 tanks. So it’s natural that there aren’t too many tanks.

I enjoy tanking but shaman is the only class that doesn’t make me sick while playing. So I would gladly embrace another tanking class I can actually play.

And besides that, the game isn’t really alt friendly to be honest so I would like a tank character I have all essences on and don’t have to grind the same content all over again.

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Why Geomancers and not Earthwardens?

Would tie nicely with Wrathion and Black Dragonflight being “re-vitalised” or re-discovered. Granting shamans some power over the earth.


It was the only spec name I could think of while writing the post but as someone said before - Earthwarden is even better and I agree 100%. It shows the flavor of the spec.

“we don’t need more tanks class” well i disagree.
My main is my Shaman but i feel obliged to tank with another class cause i love tanking.

Most of my friends don’t mind tanking but it’s always the same issue. We spend hours and hours on our main and blizzard ain’t really “alt friendly”.

Specially in BFA with the essences behind reputation etc.
Farming reputation on every character is something i don’t like and to be honest, i don’t see why blizzard still believe it’s something good.

I wish we had GW2 style banks etc. All connected to the same account (even if it means farming a little longer the reputation than having to push 10times my alt reputations)

I’m from Vanilla and i know it’s an utopia because i’m still waiting my Shaman Tank since then haha!


I have mained Shaman since TBC and don’t ever see myself maining another class. As a Shaman loyalist, I’d try out tanking for sure if Shaman would be getting a tank spec. Ive invested way too much in my Shaman, to be rerolling another class. Besides I love Shaman class fantasy and lore. Big yes for Earthwarden.


I would tank in a heartbeat, with a 4th Earth themed tank spec.


I love to tank, I’d love to be a shaman tank, but the reason people don’t tank in pugs is that the grief is just not worth it. If the DPS overpulls, the tank can’t pick anything up quick enough, or the dps takes aggro by not managing his threat, it’s always the tanks fault.

And oh, god forbid you should need to stop pulling for 5 secs in a m0 or something to scratch your backside, instant kick

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Making a tank spec fo Shaman, I would love it and yes Earthwarden would be a cool name for them.

Reading your comments I like the ideas, only the 2H without a shield would not be logical…??? Or can we make work an earth-magic-shield only - for story-lorewise and cold-fact-numbers?

Will we be tanking through agility-system, was original planned in the game, more towards druid taking.
But what if we could be tanking through the intellect-system, more use of spells, shields and elementals???
What would you prefer?
Me, I would be very curious about intellect-tanking possibilities, with shields, rising stonewalls and elementals.

Did I allready say I would LOVE the idea of my shaman tanking :smiley:
To my opinion shaman-tanking spec would add a lot to the game and playstyle … a whole new playstyle, a lot of action, visuals and many more…LOVE
Shaman tank spec - perfect for Tauren, but I will stick with my Troll.


This is idea that I hold dearly within my elemental heart. I remember playing a shaman in the early days, where I was picking tanking talents, before the idea was scrapped. Let’s make shaman great again!

I always support threads about shaman tanking, because this isn’t only something we want, but it is also something we need - there are no mail wearing tanks, although the fantasy allows it. Introducing a new class (like people always go for tinker - show me an engineer that would wear mail in a lab) isn’t a solution, when you have something so obvious and lore intact as an Earthwarden.

I love to tank, but I also love my Shaman. Please bring us something we were asking for so many years already. This isn’t one of the “you think you want it, but you don’t” requests.

Until that happens I’m gonna stick to my shaman no matter what, keeping my hopes up, that some day we will be able to take a beating and ward those that are in need of one shamanistic Tauren.

Offcourse shaman needs a 4th (earth) tanking spec.

But no more pruning, it also needs the return of all its support totems… for all builds… loved to play the Shaman of old for all its choices and tools. I hope the shadowlands will give us some of that feel back…

And this brings me to shadowlands, this might be the moment to try and bring some of that social classic feel back to the game. Even in Pugs, blizzard needs to make people understand again that they need eachother, and add systems that reward social play. Trough game mechanics that don’t take away the convenience.

But yes, ever since classic we agreed that Shaman deserves a tank build…

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