Any blizz employee want to explain why Thrall being the shaman he is, can wield a 2hander but you wont give us enhancement shamans 2hander?
Any blizz employee want to explain why Thrall being the shaman he is, can wield a 2hander but you wont give us enhancement shamans 2hander?
Oh but we can.
But just as thrall, we cannot use storm strike, lava lash, or crash lightning. He is like the worst at optimization for going with that build.
He is so bad that the elements themselves decided to “nope, not gonna hear or help that guy” for some time.
Do you know how bad at being shaman you have to be for the elements to nope the f out?
We need zappy boi(Zekhan) to represent the shaman class
As far as I am concerned, Doomhammer is a 1 hander not a 2 hander.
And the axe he carries in WW is a 1 hander.
So if anything, Thrall is an elemental shaman. With a 1 hander + trinkte on the other hand instead of a shield.
Thought he had lost his ability to communicate with the elements up to a certain point. Isn’t he a warrior now?
Except he has 2h axe and not the doomhammer.
No, he reconnected with the elements, looong ago.
I’m clearly not paying attention. Thank you for the information.
Thrall has been suffering extreme ED (elementile disfunction) for years now since he cheated in that duel with Garrosh and thus is no longer a shaman, but a warrior.
No he didn"t, even in one of the TWW announcement videos you can see him not able to call out to them and raging over it.
I know he dosent carry Doomhammer for a couple of expansion now :
And I have yet to see 1 cinematic where Thrall weilds his Axe with 2 hands.
I suspect its just a really big 1-hander. Which is not a surprise in this game.
I used Doomhammer to say that Thrall seems to consistently weild only 1-handers.
I still keep my original arcanite reaper from 20years ago.
He didn’t cheat. Garrosh said everything is allowed because hee wanted to prove his dominance.
He also reconnected witht the elements. You can see him jsing shaman powers, like in Shadowlands.
He couldn’t use them because HE felt he was unworthy. Not because elements forsake him.
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