Shamans are broken beyond repair in PvP

Are people acually writing essays about how Horde racials arent better in PvP like this hasnt been a known fact and reason to roll Horde the last 20 years. Yikes, copium is real.

Obviously a majority of people play Horde on PvP servers because the cities are nicer :clown_face:

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If u start clowning around atleast check the info u r talking about first, on both LF and LW EU realms alliance has 2/3 of the population… clown… all alliance crying on forums r unskilled nabs, the skilled players r not being clowns on forums

Only one mentally challanged here is you

→ complains about hunters Sniper Training/Chimera Shot
(in the grand scheme these two abilities hardly do much compared to Priests/Druids/Rogues/Shamans)
→ writes paragraphs of “horde bad ally good” racials
→ posts this quote

Then explain why you could create either horde OR alliance on both realms? I guess these are Ironforge Pro numbers. Which only take in account howmany actually raid?

ah yes the usual horde response, who literally get spoonfed this:

  • shamans
  • racials
  • premading into solo q

No wonder why alliance PvPers complain if these things do not get adjustments to be more fair. Horde complains literally are based on skill issue all the time, y’all complain about one of the worst PvP classes, Paladin.
Horde complain about Stoneform/Perception/Shadowmeld/Escape Artist, which are all literally downgrades from 25% Stun Resist/AoE Stun/Fear Sleep or Charm Trinket/Berserk.

At this point horde players are utter clowns and trolls, the only one that is actually worth talking to is Berny at this point, who actually is sane enough to realize y’all need to be taken down a peg.

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guys, Potatomilk is a known forum troll,

they’ve admitted to being a troll, even using multiple alts to post with to boost their trolling antics,

stop feeding it, dont take anything they say serious, you cant argue with someone that only has the warcraft forum in their life.

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This is how you tell us you’re bad at hunter.

The buff to Sniper Training skyrocketed nightelves hunters as far as shadowmeld goes. With pet ideally brokentooth in stealth same as the hunter in shadowmeld or no pet with 30% dmg from lonewolf you absolutely want to sit in shadowmeld at base in AB and pop anyone trying to capture that flag - what are you even talking about?!

Back to back instant aimed shots with lock and load followed by chimaera shot again 2x with another LnL before anyone can react to you and you are crying about shamans of all the classes that could pose a threat to you as hunter? They need to get in 20-25 yd to you to shock all the while you pound with 1k+ crits from 41 yd and pet spell pushback! You’re a troll at this point.

Oh and btw go and play a tauren hunter if you think they’re so special with the increased hp, LOL, and then cry when you see how broken the increased hitbox works against them. Just an example to show you have no clue and only mimimimimi about horde racials.
Or l2p.

and here’s the next alt of potato. nice.

Yeah it’s full copium for this guy and many horde player.

And in p4 if no change and all ally only tag Alterac, they will cry for “why arathi/goulet queue is 2hours for horde ? Give interfaction bg plz blizzard” :joy: :rofl:

merely pointing out that your faction has the best racial in the game, bar none right now.
you say “boo hoo hardiness” and i say “sniper training/shadowmeld” to shut you down.
its called argumentation, you should learn what that means.
boo hoo pala bad.

reported for misgendering me. its he/him you bigot. respect my pronouns.

the fact i’ve managed to make you this paranoid is hilarious.
we are potato.
we are many.

i don’t know… in my opinion, horde always felt stronger in PVP. not just now…

I can cut you here, kinda tired to arguing this imaginary nonsence, 90% hunters playerbase yes ofcrouse sure…

Another typical skill issue complaint. Not my problem.

Seethe and cope.

an obvious exaggeration, yet not that far from the truth.

go on and take a stroll in the open world.
note down on a piece of paper the classes you see on the way to wherever you decide to go, bots or otherwise.

do the same in bg. open the panel, note down number of classes.
do a spreadsheet or something bro.
trying to deny the vast majority of the playerbase is hunters is red nose behavior.

sure shaman were veeeeeery strong in p1 and p2 pvp. p3, they are good. unusually good for shaman and ppl are not yet familiar with them, but they are okayish. i say p4 things will be fine. than we can worry about ultra warries with pocket healer and super snipers.

Checked all servers today and we are now at an amazing 65% shaman players

people been sleeping on shamans because they’ve been a free kill for 20 years, with only absolute top tier shamans even being able to compete in pvp, even in pve the world best couldn’t beat a furyprot tank in dps, because shaman used to be dog… how do i know? i played enh shaman in 2019 and got several world best parses, and it still couldn’t hold a candle to a “real” class, damage wise.

obviously, when they get the tools they need to perform suddenly it seems OP.

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