Shamans are broken beyond repair in PvP

“how dare you point out the things i don’t want you to point out. TROLL!”

Shadowmeld - niche af, people dont walk into certain things, nelf rogues are hardly a thing, and even then there are talents/items that boost stealth which all rogues/druids can use.
Perception - niche, useful against rogues and druids.
Stoneform - niche, useful against poisons/rogues and bleeds/warriors.
Escape Artist - has a cast timer, so decent.
Alliance has 3 niches and 1 decent racial, dwarf/gnomes are the only ones to be able to free themselves from slow/blind/root+any CC. Roots/Slows are not as frequent as stuns and fears.

Warstomp - good, allows for a cast followup or heal.
Hardiness - extremely good, can screw with any RNG stun and targetted stuns.
WoF - extremely good, breaking a priests only way to defend themselves + also being good against warriors and locks is just a bonus.
Berserk - its a pure DPS buff, nothing special.
Horde got 2 extremely good racials, 1 good and one niche, and they got racials against stuns and fears, two of the most common types of CC in PvP.

rofl. actually a peak clown here.
VP, Mutilate and others warrant more attention than a good ability+niche passive.

you think shaman is broken? try spriest and balance. run and spam instant ability EZ WIN GG

i’m seeing a trend going on with you.
apparently you don’t understand the concept of racials fundamentally. they are all “niche” so that’s not an argument.

orc stun resistance doesn’t do squat against a class that can’t stun, so its “niche”.
undead WOTF doesn’t do squat against classes that can’t fear, sleep or charm, so its “niche”.
the only racial in the game that isn’t 100% niche is troll’s berserking.
… i mean, really… lol.

“people don’t walk into certain things”??? what the hell is that supposed to mean? how is that even an argument. stand on a wood stump or a roof somewhere and go shadowmeld and keep within flag range, people will walk right into your trap both literally and figuratively. - this is for BG.

stand near the road, go shadowmeld, wait for passerby, gank from invis - world pvp.

see again, i need to explain to you guys how to use your own racials.

i think the word you’re looking for is “Good”.

again, “Good” seems to be the word you can’t think of here, because that’s the word you meant to use.
this literally the best racial for rogue in the game because you’re the only race who gets to wipe poisons and bleeds so you can vanish with 100% guarantee.

for all i care they could make this instant. doesn’t make a big difference, its still amazing - especially for warrior who can more easily forego warbringer in favor of another rune, since he has his root escape covered. this gives gnome warriors a unique advantage compared to warriors of any other race. being able to use another dps rune instead of being forced to use warbringer (which is mandatory in this meta for all other warriors) is massive.

as expected you instantly turn your mentality from “mhmm that is decently useful” to “omfg this is blatantly broken”.

dishonest and cringe.

warstomp is an emergency stun and might save you IF you are a shaman or a druid and really, chances are you’ll die from a stray spell anyway…
this stun is also detrimental because it causes diminishing returns (i hope you know what that is).

hardiness is extremely good 25% of the time, yes. that is working as intended.
literally 25% of the time it works every time bigbrain.

yes, its the dwarf counterpart. see, just like dwarves get to be anti-rogue/druid/warrior, undead gets to be anti-warlock/priest/warrior… warrior has 1 fear bro, they hardly count as a class that relies on fear, arguably the ability to remove a warriors rend/deep wounds (as a dwarf rogue) is far better than removing his fear… btw human priests get mini lay on hands, dwarf priest literally get fear ward which is 10x better than wotf… i’d trade one of these priest racials for wotf for my priest any day… fear gets resisted, trinketed or deflated by those dumb 15 sec fear immunity bracers all the time anyway.

nothing special?
lmao troll is literally master race for pve because of this racial. its insanely good.
its honestly incredible how you guys don’t even mention this when you cry about horde racials because its fantastic in both pve and pvp.

also, its not just a pure dps buff, it affects casting speed too, and guess what most healing spells are.
your ignorance is showing again.

“these other things exist and i deem them more OP, therefore this other thing will fly under the radar because there are more important things to nerf”
i agree.
as long as pala bubble doesn’t have counterplay, no other ability in the game will ever be nerfed.
we smurt.


What a sad little troll. you could have whines about the same topic for which there’s three scores of posts already without the racism, but I guess you wanted to add a personal spin. Well done, also reported

haha… a shaman dares to speak in here…
are u afraid they will finally take away your op toyS and you will become a regular class?


last i checked there were no rules saying X class/race aren’t allowed to post on the forums.

cringe that you think people shouldn’t be allowed to utter their opinion solely based on their faction/race/class.

one might say that is in fact extremely racist.

Peak clown lmao

Stop trolling, everyone knows horde got superior racials and its not even close.

Hardiness completly screw up Alliance classes with stuns.
For exemple, Rogues dont even bother opening with cheapshot, thats how broken it is : a racial changing a whole class gameplay! ! !

Wotf is a game breaker too, priests have no chances with trinket + wotf, it screw up warlock GamePlay too (they dont even bother fearing an Undead).

Alliance side is so poor PvP-racial wise, the only bearable ones are shadowmeld(pure defensive one) and stoneform

Enjoy getting 2hours queue in AV next phase, and alliance wont even queue to AB/warsong since rep are from stv/ashenvale (why bother since 5%AB winrate and AV will be better honor)


can i ask you a question?
did you read the post you’re replying to?

you are literally repeating what wavé just said.
dismissed because you’re lazy.

same goes for the rotten UD brain here, resorting to insults because you couldnt handle the L.

Regarding PvP objectively, it is still better to have horde racials than having any alliance racial.
You encounter more classes with either a fear and/or stun than poison/roots/blinds/slows.

in a wPvP setting where people generally do not expect a nelf to begin with.
You are being as subjective as Prey, sure it is good in wPvP when you are a bot walking into a shadowmeld, but BGs it is utter crap.
The second someone calls out or suspects the area where a nelf is melding, it’s value is negative. Unlike stun res/WoF.

no, its niche and being ignorant towards that won’t help your case.
2 Racials specialized against Rogues isn’t gonna be good against other classes/specs that do not have bleeds or poisons.
Also, no rogue uses their bleeds or damaging poisons for a reason, to keep people CC locked. Dwarf rogues hardly exist for your sake and that subjective situation is niche to begin with.

Having to standstill for 0.5s with pushback on warriors is a big difference compared to using it just like a trinket. It’s 0.5s of time you lose casting it and even more to a class that can root/slow you.

Again class specific to make it sound niche at best, the rune is still better considering you actually have to hit a target with melee abilities, and that racial has a CD.

It’s not dishonest and cringe to call out horde players that believe their racials are infinitely inferior to any alliance racial in PvP. It’s cringe to defend horde racials and calling alliance one’s OP.

Tauren Druids got a RNG stun built into Starsurge which is the only thing affected by DRs, whereas Tauren Shamans can walk up to anyone, stun em everytime for 2s and get a free cast off.

Removing dots over removing CC is better? The amount of cope and inexperience people gotta read here from you.
While you get to sit in the fear, warriors can bandage and/or prepare to get a charge off into a hamstring into you dead. Removing that fear from the equation makes the warrior matchup almost too easy.

It’s amazing for PvE, nobody will ever say it’s good in PvP, because it is only good at low HP values, and by then you just die as a troll.

reading your ignorant posts time after time is amusing people, just don’t tell people how good paladin is, because it isnt in PvP.

counterplay doesnt extend to abilities and runes only, consider movement to not lose to bubbledins.

ay i identify as a living being, you bigot. also, its peak irony to say im the one resorting to insults… while you’re insulting me. kekw.

that’s literally just your opinion, and of course you sport this opinion because you’re a bad player.

horde racials are good for certain situations and so are alliance racials. this is the objective truth.
you are being a crybaby.

hunters and rogues make up like 60% of the alliance population, 30% are druids, paladins and priests, and a mere 10% of them (at most) are warriors, so that’s just flat out wrong as well. and yes, this is subjective opinion based on anecdotal experience, but at least i’m being honest about it.

your dwarf priests get to remove viper sting which is a priest killer and have fear ward on top… oh and they can remove void plague with their racial too, just in case they forgot to put abolish disease in their bar (which is a lot of them) omg nerf dwarves :clown_face:

oh and don’t forget about blind - an ability that has almost no other counters in the whole game… yeah stoneform removes that too.

not really.
what am i supposed to do against a melding nelf hunter even if i know exactly where he is?

i can’t target him until i reveal him you donut, and guess what happens if i try to move close enough to reveal him??

i get rekt by instant aimed/chimera shot combo which no class can survive, and just in case i should survive that BS they can follow it up with a multishot to really hammer home that feeling of helplessness.

how do i reveal him from range? blizzard or rain of fire? whats the play here my guy?
oh, and even if i reveal him he can still dump his bs instakill combo on me before i have a chance to do anything.

also, can i just point out the sheer ridiculousness of the idea of people tracking the whereabouts of every single god damn elf on the map?
its basically a given that there’s at least 1 nelf hunter in shadowmeld no matter where you go, so reporting their whereabouts is basically useless, because “of course there’s a hunter there, because they’re everywhere” in other words; water is wet.

you can’t sit there and say stoneform is niche and at the same time say wotf/hardiness isn’t niche - that’s pure hypocrisy.


  1. escape artist is 0.5 cast, pushback is irrelevant, and guess what, warstomp also has 0.5 cast and is also prone to pushback.
  2. if you are rooted you can’t move anyway, so that’s a moot point.
  3. its a good thing they get their trinket on top of escape artist then, huh? nerf gnomes amaghad.

im making it sound niche because it is niche. just like every other race/class combo has different niche uses depending on their strengths and weaknesses.
its just the fact of the matter, not something i’m trying to push as an agenda - escape artist is arguably most useful for a warrior compared to other classes gnome has access to.

can you point out where i said horde racials are “infinitely inferior” to alliance racials?
because now you are putting words in my mouth, so if what you were doing before weren’t dishonest, what you’re doing now 100% definitely is.

another thing i didn’t do is call alliance racials OP in tandem with that, i said they are good depending on your class/race combo, just like horde racials.

Tauren stomps affect the stuns used by horde rogues around them. diminishing returns is global, not player-specific… a tauren stomps and hit a bunch of players - all those players now have their diminishing returns triggered, meaning a horde rogue hitting any of those targets with their stunlock will be affected negatively.

btw like i said earlier, escape artist (just like warstomp) has a 0.5 cast time. (are you starting to see how racials mirrior each other yet?)

this is also why warriors and rogues don’t spec into mace specializations because they’re griefing their fellow stun-lockers and their own stun rotations by doing so.

depending on the situation/matchup, yes/no. again, niche.
your arbitrary example of pvp scenarios are moot because i can construct scenarios that are equally absurd if i stoop to your level, in order to make stoneform look better than wotf.
stay objective.

every class gets free 15 sec fear immunity bracers (which also breaks active fears, like a trinket and wotf does) making wotf as a racial pretty bad compared to a scenario where these bracers don’t exist (like in vanilla).
if you aren’t using those bracers for pvp, i dunno what to tell you… they are literally warsong bracers with a fear immunity baked into them. there is no better bracers in the game.

so there, the fear has been removed from the equation without the need for wotf, so what now?

its 5% speed at 100% health.
20% speed at 50% health and below.
between 100% and 50% it also increases in efficiency (between 5%-20%) depending on missing health, but the point is that it does something even at 100% health.

its good no matter how you twist and turn it, just less so at >100% compared to <100%.

sir, you don’t get to flip a uno reverse card on me here. i am not being ignorant to the usefulness of racials, you are, hence why the label fits on you and not me.

yeah just run from the paladin and let him stall the flag, my guy, great counterplay.
again, can’t wait for mass dispel. the fact you guys were allowed to use this with no counterplay for 3 phases while also pretending you’re the oppressed faction is nothing short of priceless.

if your playerbase knew how to play their class you’d win every AB solely because of paladins… i just went to the US forums and sure enough, there’s yet another paladin who wasn’t aware that his cleanse could be used to counter lava burst.

remember when i said “this is 90% of you” back some time ago?
yeah, that’s being affirmed every day.

still taking Ls from alliance when you a. play a meta class in priest and b. play UD. Suprising you whine about stoneform which is just bad compared to hardiness.

wow every 2mins you cannot viper sting or do VP dps on a dwarf priest, shamans are still more broken with totems that remove poisons and diseases.
wow every 3mins dwarfs have a magic effect that immuns them to 1 fear so they do not have to trinket your own fears, dispels from priests and shamans just screw that one over. also UDs literally WoTF every 2mins, 50% more often than a FW dwarf priest.

Iceblock, r5 trinket, a decently timed selfdamage effect (SWD/Skull) you were saying?

walk around it, literally the simplest thing, if they truly care to kill you, they start moving.

dispersion, PWS, Barkskin, Iceblock, Bubble, Shield Wall.
You get noob checked by hunters basically.

because apparently every nelf hunter is smart enough to use it that you come across? the reality is simply that not every nelf hunter will use shadowmeld in openworld.

Cry me a river, it’s just a fact that SF is niche, WoTF and Hardiness are infinitely more useful against rogues/priests.

Your every post regarding racials literally breathes “horde racials are infinitely inferior to alliance racials”. You don’t say it, you mean it by posting it.
Painting me as a liar or dishonest person isn’t gonna help your case.
You compared rogue races and you paint alliance rogues time after time better than horde counterparts.

It doesn’t beat an orc rogue who can straightup resist one of your stuns (and save trinket for the next stunlock) and beat any alliance rogue or paladin.
Any class is more frustrated at an orc who can simply resist a stun and just keep on going as if nothing happened. Perception and Stoneform are just niche.

because now we assume in every wPvP + BG situation a rogue will magically appear behind a warstomped target and beat anything targetted into the ground.
This is not the case for the majority of games and matchups, you are not being realistic at all. And even if a rogue is around they can waitout 15s and then CS, actually simple if you use your brain.

racials dont mirror, they are similar, there’s a difference which you fail to realize.

not the full story of why they dont go for it. Rogues currently opt for dagger spec and warriors usually go for axe or sword, basically they got better options.

To call these bracers free when in reality they require 250 engineering is hilarious. It has a 10min CD and allows you to be immune for 15s. WoTF has a 2min CD and allows for 5s of fear immunity.
Anyone with a braincell is gonna say WoTF is just better, those bracers a scuffed version of WoTF, in an AB game you can use those bracers once. Those bracers existing alone make any fear less viable to play with.

explains why somany do not play troll in PvP then.

trying to uno-reverse back lol, am i the only one mentioning how good SF is only against warriors/rogues/priests? yes? okay.

It’s the common opinion, ally racials do not prevent nor remove stuns or fears. Horde ones do.

ah ofc because paladins are close to providing the same utility, dispels, damage and instant healing that a shaman has. All of which paladin isnt gonna be close to providing. Or the fact that horde simply got the better racials and abilities to deal with CC.
There are hardly any alliance pvpers compared to horde pvpers.

better than facing any class with actual mobility as a FC, which all will stall harder than a paladin.

still the same themes there, shaman OP, pvp being BS, racials.

And this is 100% of the horde players not willing to admit that their racials are broken/OP when compared to alliance racials in PvP. Horde players are spoiled brats who never heard of a no from their parents nor anyone.

boo hoo i don’t know how racials work boo hoo.

took you over a bloody hour to say “no u”.
that’s right, i saw you putting together your post.

you could at least have made a single valid argument if you were going to spend all that time making a post.

at this point i can’t take you seriously at all anymore… yeah just walk around the nelf camping the flag and then what… let them keep the flag?

really big brained plays you’re suggesting there.
have fun being bad, you’ll never grow.

took you multiple edits to make a proper response to other users, and it is still screaming alliance racials OP compared to “niche horde racials”.
There’s a reason why PvPers pick horde, better racials and a better faction specific class, hardly any PvPers play as alliance, it’s a majority of horde players being PvPers.
Any organized BG is majority of horde PvP teams, stacking taurens, orcs and UD.

nobody takes your tinfoil takes serious, some shamans admit their class is OP, dozen of players say horde racials are OP, all for good reasons.

you would run into anyone and just fall over like a domino, truly a bad player.
What else is there to expect from someone that actually believes Shamans are fine and Paladins are not? It’s like you don’t play the game at all.

Unfortunately for you trolling seems to be allowed.

Remember phase 1 no Ally was crying about racials and shaman when paladin and hunter priest dominating warsong and they was full premade.
And now they not premade enough solo queue they cry all day’s loosing AB?
And now say shaman and racials op Rolf?
U have good racials too and paladins well played are good.

What’s next crying about Map issues ?

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Ok so, if alliance are negative skill i purpose to all ally mate to delete alliance character to go reroll shaman to have skill.

And after you can make a “queuleuleu” at Orgrimmar and have a nice monofaction server skilled ppl :smiley:

The sense of embarrasment i feel when reading these squabbling posts is immense,

Just a bunch of 25-40 year old " boys " pointing their fingers at one another, hurling insults to aid their bids,

The lot of ya need to splash yourselfs with water, either play the game or quit instead of dwelling on the forum spitting absolute nonsense.

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don’t get it twisted. you’re the one who cries because you can’t succeed in pvp. im telling you how, and you’re like “no thats not how”.

git gud bro. skill issue.

dont need to tell how when i am already succeeding, even with subpar racials compared to horde one’s that dont even require a brain input.

at least we all know how bad you are against hunters, get good man, meta classes cant carry bad players, skill issue.

people who succeed usually do not complain about their inability to succeed.

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