Shamans Are Raid bosses and Warriors suck in PVP

It really do be like that tho.

All i see is 100’s of horde killing alliance near brd. And most of them are shamans/hunter/locks. No warriors “slaughtering” people.

Especially with hand rune endless rage right? Warrios dont have hand rune in pvp now for 2handers. Mega buff my ars.

Arms warriors got nerfed with the endless rage rune swap… arms is a joke

what about fury

Well fury 2hand is god awfull too

give it a week or two and let them gear up.
they will break the game again, mark my words.

Nothing to mark here. Its not a gear problem, everyone will gear up. We just dont have good pvp runes, no survivability and no dmg(yeah imagine that). Its basically vanilla warrior vs wotlk/cata classes.

see this sort of exaggeration just makes people not take you seriously.

you gonna sit there and say warrior functions like they do in vanilla.
ehl oh ehl.

What so different about sod warrior? Tell me pls.

nice intellectual dishonesty.
not gonna entertain you bro.

I thought so.

honestly, did you expect me to actually sit here and point out all the things that are new about warrior?

log into the game and see for yourself.
to even contest this objective fact is pure clownery. :clown_face:

I obviously didnt want you to point all the things. You could point out new pvp runes for example.

an exercise in futility.

Dont worry, its not a problem if you dont know something.

Imagine playing SoD when hellfire peninsula lowbies exist in cataclysm.