Shamans Are Raid bosses and Warriors suck in PVP

Bruh blizzard really?


Warrior being bad at pvp is the truest form of vanilla pvp.


And most important thing bruv, dont forget

Oh right i forgot.


Pssst dont say the truth to loud in here, you will wake up these orc shaman players like this guy mentioned above me. Prepare your mental health

Luckily you can still play ERA where warriors can 1v5 easily :blush:

crying about warrior not being the best in every iteration of classic is a bit pathetic and boring.

The first wild shaman spawned! Catch it now, they will come from every corner

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Someone has no clue about wow vanilla pvp and it’s showing… :smiley:

Nice misinformation man. We obviously could win 1 vs 40 man raid.
Pulling out random numbers out of your empty head.

Yes there’s only 600 videos available what warriors can do with full cd + sword spec but sure buddy.
Let’s deny that and pretend warrior always sucked. That’s why a 40 man raid took 25 of them as well and that is why its one of the most represented classes in pvp too when it comes to era.

hmm i have not played the new p4 test content but i heard, that shamy has been nerfed quit a bit and are easier to counter. lets see on friday and the following days, weeks, month, years…

Where are these clueless people coming from. Go reroll a Warrior and play arms in PvP. Or atleast play PvP on the alliance side to test out what shamans are like =P.

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in p1 and p2 i played shaman and warry. it was a very different experience. the amount of time i spent at the graveyard as a warrior hahaha oh man. and pvp? that was just mean. but than again, never really played dps warrior much. always been a shaman since day 1. good times and bad times.

I can play Mage or Warlock or Moonkindruid and pvp and perform at top tier, But comparing my warrior to those classes and they are in the worse state that they have been in the history of the game (Talking about the Arms aspec here)

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Name 1 video, ill watch it.

Because vanilla warrior scales very well with gear and buffs. Nothing to do with pvp.

I’m not sure bringing pve into a pvp discussion is helping your case, if anything it just show even more how absolutly clueless you seems to be about warriors and vanilla pvp.

You watched pat’s video and though it was op ? is that it ?

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So tired of all theese pala fanbois crying for nerfs all over

They only suck 1 v 1 but in group pvp they are absolute beast. With a backup healer you are unstoppable

Not realy no, they get usable.

It does depend on phase tho, phase 1-2 warriors are much better than phase 3-4 where caster start to scale much harder.

Idk yesterday I saw warriors horde slaughter people on entrance in brd r u really sure it is not skill issue lol

it doesn’t matter how much leniency the game gives you.
it doesn’t matter how easy it is.
you can count on a paladin/warrior post complaining about something, following immediately after patch release.

shaman just got orbitally bombarded with nerfs? “Not good enough, nerf them again”.

paladin just got the reverse treatment and are now powerhouses? “Not good enough, needs more buffs”.

warrior just had mega buffs?
“not good enough because i got a skill issue and i don’t know how to use recklessness, retaliation or shield wall every 5 minutes, let alone land a meathook. buff warrior again.”

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