Shaman's Purge

you go retail noob
SoD have nothing to do with #NoChanges


just mad because he got his slow immune purged off and then be slowed.
Purge hasnt really won a wsg on its own yet unlike other classes with their imput. seems like u got kited at pala and are still malding over it nice bait

Degenrate playstyle? xD says the guy with 2 button rota, which smashes everything except shamans. Just enjoy the fact that your class is viable against pretty much any class.

My guy is just dented beyond being a KEK boy.

He probably doesn’t know he’s on Season of Discovery section LMAO

Paladin tears, the sweetest of treats


you lost all you credibility here. We are in SoD. you better just vanish to retail kid

since 20 years everybody laugh at paladins, it’s horde crying now

You wouldnt get the joke even if it would be written on ur forehead

who win?

  • the lightning, purge, wall of totems, counterspell every 6sec


  • the 5min cd bubble Labradors?
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Shaman will win because u will have 1 person use ghost wolf as an FC whilst palas will be stuck on their Retri mobi chasing one

retri mobil made me laugh ngl

I used to call it wheelchair deluxe

What did you expect when rolling a paladin for the 30th time, running into a shaman? i mean. here you are 20 years later, still whining about purge. Im not whining over the fact every ranged class can kite me to death. You are just one of those persons, who cry just about anything that doesnt go your way. Must be exhausting being you xD

I know where I am, no changes.

This is a case study of insanity.

Basically… he plays SoD and says #NoChanges.

You’re certifiably insane.

Bro u want shamans without purge and pala being perma mounted

Purge is a slight counter to paladin like rouges being op or mages havin a 10 sec kick followed with a 20 sec sheep and druids perma gettin out of slow thats the balance of classic please dont hyper balance it like retail

Penance, crusader strike, living bomb, earthshield, watershield, chaos bolt… all that
this were not in the balance of Vanilla so…

this have nothing in common with retail, paladin and shaman exist in the Vanilla world
we are not talking about retail classes or features

that would leave the horde paladins to be purged by ally shamans, doesnt solve op made up problem im sorry we need to ask blizz for perma bubble

No, I want Shamans purge to be adjusted, not sure where this came from LOL.

You’re just fishing for arguments out of ignorance, it’s fine tho.

I want mage kick to not be 10 sec or be poly’d for god knows how long but its how the game works and it should be that way mind you there much more op annoying stuff than purge

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while we are at it adjust the entire pvp balance and make it 1 class 1 spec only with 0 talents and its called being shirtless in goldshire where the ally belongs when they get deserter from hearth bubble out of an wsg

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