Shaman's Purge

It’s too strong & it always has been.

A solution needs to provided for Season of Discovery as Shamans are once more turning their brains off and walking into melee purging people to death. It’s a braindead playstyle that’s with too much of an impact.

You need to add a cooldown to it at the very least. Purge is the entire reason why Shamans dominate as this spell neutralizes the entire utility that Alliance could bring. We can stomach the one shots, we can stomach the tankiness. But when a brainlet shaman is spamming purge, is tankier than any other melee and that’d be the most effective playstyle, we’re starting to lose our minds on the alliance side.

And yes, compared to that, Avenger’s Shield is a spring flower.


Give alliance purge maybe?


ever heard of priests bro?

Ever heard of Horde having Shamans and Priests at the same time bro?

The solution is: git gud


Git good bro


Tell that to the shaman who’s walking around purging people to guarantee win. Get good against that my boy.

obligatory git gud

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shamans 1 shot u with lava burst and perma purged xD horde bias


I’m the shaman :slight_smile: get rekt holy boy, put on the dress and heal.

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And they got buffed tomorrow :slight_smile: amazing

thanks im playing a hunter anyway.

Nerf hanter, it’s too OP >:(

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imagine played one of the most OP classes right now and the crying about shamans 1 ability that makes us viable in pvp

You’re sadly delusional with that statement… nothing personal. To really believe that is just surreal

Pala ppl with all their benefits crying about some purge , git gud

you must really be… bad.

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Nah, not at all. I’m just seeing shamans with a degenerate playstyle which is so brutal that tilts the entire balance of the game.

And what makes it even twice as brutal is that Shamans perfectly well understand how idiotic it is.

Nerf purge. It should’ve been done almost 20 years ago.

Funny thing is, I haven’t even used purge in PVP once and I’ve still been clapping paladins left and right. But thanks for bringing it up, I’ll start using purge now as well :smiley:

it’s time to add dwarf shaman and undead paladin
all these runes were designed in a gameplay where factions have both classes
add it even in Era is needed

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Go play retail

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