blizzard did not understand why such a beautiful celebration event aimed to torment these players in such a beautiful celebration event, I think it is not fair to have such difficult tasks for only 1 mount, the celebration has officially turned into torment, you should be ashamed of yourself blizzard , you shouldn’t have to force the players to give you this mount.
First of all, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything here, its all optional.
Secondly, what mount are we talking about here? The Bird or the Bike?
The bird is super easy, takes a couple of hours at most and none of the requirements are particularly difficult.
The bike is technically not part of the Anniversary event, its a permanent addition to the game, like past secrets such as Jenafur the cat and The hivemind mount. If you dont like solving the puzzles and riddles yourself, just wait till its all discovered by others, and follow a guide. Im not into the secret finding stuff myself, but i have obtained every secret item so far, thanks to excellent guides provided by secret finding communities.
Fel cycle mount and yeah nobody is forcing anyone to do anything here u right but Most players, including beginners, want this mount very much, but it is ridiculous to give such unnecessary and difficult tasks, especially in such a magnificent event, people come here to have fun, not to suffer.
And again, as the other reply stated, the Felcycle Mount has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EVENT. Therefore your primary criticism of it somehow taining the event is entirely in your own mind and has no basis in the objective reality all the rest of us have to live under…
So either you´re angry because it isn’t beiong given to you for nothing…which is a wholly ridiculous criticism when leveraged at a secret mount that has´nt even had the puzzle completely solved yet. and was never meant to be rammed up people´s bum for doing nothing in the first place.
OR your´re still angry because you still do not understand that the anniversary Event and the Felcycle exist independently of each other, and the mount will still be here long after the event is gone.
The secret finder event for thr felcycle has nothing to do with the event.
The only connection to the event are the hints and clues which span throughout some characters from the event.
And the theme of the event, this secret connects all other past secrets in one huge secret finding adventure.
The secret finding discord spends days just on small portions of the puzzle, and you receieve all of this just handed out to you and you are mad about it?
Like blizzard gave you all of these sets + more than 4 mounts, higher chance at getting another extra mount, 30% increased XP and Reputation, Conquest and Honor, easy 5k+ timewalker tokens, classic timewalking feature and a fun event and a bonus secret finding chapter with the crates which were not only fun but literally gave you so much coins for the anniversary that you gonna start buying Timewalking tokens with it soon if not already.
And on top of all of this you have this grand secret, which took Josh and his team 9 months to design and polish.
They were even kind enough to communicate known bugs so players dont waste their time.
I understand that youre frustrated but you need to slow down, stop trying to complete it all at once.
Also if you mad about the puzzle- there are addons, also I brute forced it 5 times for all of my friends by simply brainstorming clicks, no addons, no pen, no paper.
Completed it all of the times in around 30sec-2 hours.
not to sound to harsh, but if you want the bike just buy the red bike version of eBay or off someone for gold in trade? just a suggestion, I was selling them for 400k gold each and gave away 3 for free, unfortunately I do not have anymore to give away as a UK player its extremely difficult to get the codes, lucky my family in America got a few crates and gave me the codes, but I do understand you might want that colour version as in the fel one.
But as someone else said the fel bike will be available after the event has finished and just take your time I know a lot of people want the bike so bad but maybe the red version is a better option for you, maybe
I agree with OP.
Yes we can just wait guide and follow step by step. But then it’s just an unbrain clic-and-collect. I’ve done 6 pillars so far, and I was watching the whole Arcane season2. I stoped this nonsense clue-hunt when I ended the season, after the Zul Gurub.
I tried to understand some clues by myself, but srsly it’s harsh.
I play since the WoW beta, I read novels and stuff, but most puzzles are details lost in the maelstrom of Warcraft.
- Like the first one, Olgra, starting with a love detail between orcs. I thought about Thrall and Aggra, but srsly who would think about a character we didn’t see since Shadowlands.
- The Nyalotha thing is about Mantids and Old Gods. I thought it would be in Dread Wastes, where Mantids are, but no. The Nyalotha stone is hidden on the sacred rooftop because… the Cho chad fought Mantids.
- The Zul’Gurub clue is a book that can’t even be opened and read… placed in the middle of a room full of other clues, in catacombs full of other clues. Once in Zul’Gurub we had nothing to learn, nothing to discover, no NPC to tell us what was Zul’Gurub back in the days.
I camped in Zul’Gurub for 1 hour waiting for 2 holograms to be filled with other players (I had the 2 first by myself). On the Vice one I was only missing the Venthyr Sinheart battle pet. The Venthyr battle who needs completed Venthyr’s story, and 30x Grateful Offering, so a lot of farm. I did not play Venthyr, so no Venthyr Story, and I had already spent all my Grateful Offering. And the question here is : What is the link between Zul’Gurub and Venthyrs? Why do we have to bring Venthyr’s stuff in Zul’Gurub?
No clue, no lore, no connection, no NPC… no fun.
This kind of “riddle” is a thing in WoW, like the Lucid Nightmare.
But this is definetly not a thing for the usual player. I don’t even speak about “casual”. But usual fan involved in lore, who read novels, read the online Short Stories… wouldn’t have a damn idea about where most of these ingame “clues” bring.
But think about a new player who started at Dragonflight or TWW, and who would like to do these treasure hunts by themselves. To connect novels and short stories to ingame lore. They pay their subscription to have fun, not for no-brain-farm or follow clic-and-collect (nobrain) guide.
But no. Just bring a Shadowland’s pet in an empty Vanilla raid, and get a step for a green bike.
Considering all the work that goes into making these treasure hunts, Bliz could make more accessible, more fun clue chains, providing cool lore through meeting iconic figures who would tell us just a little bit of their story…
Instead of that, we have to wait for the elite fans who know 30 years of Warcraft’s details, and follow their instructions with hours of going around in circles on Azeroth to clic-and-collect.
Yay. Thanks Blizz.
Most players want Invincible too, but that doesn’t mean it should be made easy to get.
The Fel Bike is a super unique mount, it shouldn’t just be given away like some common mount.
I initially found the event enjoyable, but as time went on, additional challenges were introduced, and I no longer find it fun. I’ve completed many difficult tasks, but now I’m stuck on the required pets. Currently, I’m waiting for the Bespelled Chest to spawn in Drustvar—it’s been two hours, and it still hasn’t appeared. I’m also not a big fan of pet battles. Moreover, the mount that was handed out to US players along with drinks is not being made available to us EU players. The excessive difficulty is incredibly frustrating and makes me consider abandoning the quest altogether. I hope the authorities hear our concerns.
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