That needs a nerf, a long stun that deals a ton of damage during!? With a only 30 second CD? Something needs to be done about that because it’s ridiculous at the moment.
Elemental are already not represented much and you want to nerf the only thing that keeps them a little bit competitive? Lasso is so easy to interrupt and break. Also the damage used to be % based, it’s already had a huge nerf considering the rising health pools in 8.3.
Ele shares why most casters are cancerous to play against this expan. They dont cast anything you can kick unless all their stuff is seemingly on cool down (finally) which hardly ever feels like its the case and the damage always seems to be huge at minimum 40k on these said insta casts going as far as and the highest ive seen in arena conditions being earth shock for 130k in season 3.
also kicking a warlock is meaningless due to passive pet damage when infernals drop, let alone the fact the time you died is probably cause you ate havoc coil into conflag root fear in some order, glhf on making a hard read on a instant cast.
You literally have to kick it the like 0.1 seconds they begin to cast it else you have to eat it or trade trinket, since not everyone runs a shaman healer or a second DPS with them to kick it–as far as I’m concerned, don’t forget that lightning lasso scales with what was it 114%? of your spell power.
Don’t see how classes get away with it when they were more than quick enough to nerf outlaw to the ground the moment it was only slightly potent despite not even having mortal wounds or a consistent burst cause of RTB
If they are underpresented then Blizz should buff their spell power or haste but not add stupid cancerous abilitys ( yes i know i play a rogue and i’m aware that assa has cancerous abilitys too but you know… This topic is about LS and not assa cancerous abilitys.).
They don’t balance the game 1 vs 1, so yes, it’s very easy to interrupt. Elemental shamans aren’t exactly strong so I think this is one of them cases of get better.
No you just need to have someone else interrupt it, the game isn’t balanced 1 vs 1 and if it was, they’re are a lot more powerful classes then elemental shaman 1 vs 1.
But that’s the problem for me in game. In a lot of scenarios game come to 1 vs 1 and someone beat you with pure advantage abilities. And design to balance classes arround 1:1 will be perfect, but because is impossible to achieve and blizzard begin to state that PvP is balanced arround 3vs3, but still this balance bring god modes, compared to others. For me balance is illusive lie from blizzard.
And new system bring more disbalance in PvP with corruption and neck skills. Bursty classes now are more bursty and so on.
Imagine making changes to a class that was so perfect and well designed in Cataclysm already. It was balanced, fun to play and good enough. Nobody complained about casting Lighting bolt while moving. Or ancestral, or anything really.
But they went and flipping changed everything. Making it at least 200% worse. Looks like they have way too much time on their hands to daydream and act randomly with their game.
It’s true unfortunately, but with Lasso it’s really not as bad as the OP is making out. It’s a great ability, I’m not going to downplay that. But if you want to bring in 1 vs 1 debate about Lasso, there are far, -FAR- more cancerous abilities used in 1v1.
Also I recomend anyone to try play a elemental shaman without Lasso and without pack spirit cheese, tell me how long you last against most classes 1 vs 1. Then come back to this thread and apologise.
The whole negative point about the spell is it’s a channelling ability, so it makes it very easy to interrupt. There are many 5 second stuns around that are instant cast abilities allowing people to continue to deal damage whilst the enemy is stunned.
The only difference with Lasso is it guarantee’s the damage as long as nobody interupts/trinkets the channel.
The spell ticks 5 times for damage, each time can critical. I’m 462/463 average geared and without any trinkets to improve my intellect, it dealt 22k each tick, 55k a critical because of Elemental Fury. Law of averages suggest depending on your critical strike chance, it’ll crit 0-2 times. So you’re really looking at 110k to 176k damage. Now considering health pools are 400k+ and it use to do 50% of people’s health because it was percentage based. It now deals well below that -and- it’s very easy to counter, so no, it really doesn’t need changing.
Vulrin you do realise the whole ‘‘dont actually cast anything’’ caster argument isnt actually casters fault right? Its because blizzard made the game INSANELY INSANELY INSANELY meleefavored by giving every melee multiple interrupts every 30second
For the next 4 YEARS YEARS YEARS melees DOMINATED pvp except mage based off one comp (RMX). That is why casters have been made to not cast, because blizz appeased the way-easier-to-pilot melee players over the casters years ago and now are slowly having to fix one broken balancing decision with another.