Sharding is still on

I guess we know what to do.

Use whatever messenger service you have.


I still didn’t come across a single treasure goblin.

Seriously? I was looking forward to common SW RP again :((( UGH.

Christ above, I thought we’d be released from this torment today :frowning:

The timers were on WoWhead! It’s on you.

But are there any other places (not GD, bleh) for a thread to be placed to gather voices from the other RP realms. They still house a few people.

Alliance continue having to RP somewhere besides SW for a change.

I still think long term it might actually benefit the Ally-side scene as people explore alternatives.


The reason people moved into Lakeshire for the time being is because they were under the assumption that sharding was going to be turned off yesterday.

Besides that, sharding is supposed to be off on roleplay realms anyhow. There is no reason to keep it on, as the event is over and we’re not having an expansion launch.

Meanwhile the servers I’m in have people saying it’s been great to see other places alive away from Stormwind and they worry that they’ll die off when the sharding goes away.

Guess you can’t win.


People can make an effort to keep those hubs going, and maybe they will.

Making the place many of us use as a main RP hub inaccessible isn’t the solution.

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Nah, I got stuff to do…

It isn’t and you can still form raids.
But that’s beside the point.
Has Twitter been summoned for the sharded?

It is when you consider that the main purpose of Stormwind and Orgimmar is recruitment, meeting new people and random RP, both of which require people to be visible WITHOUT the need to form raids.

Don’t inherently disagree, mind. I just think it has been an accidental boon for Alliance RP. It will get removed eventually, it always does. Might be until the end of the anniversary event entirely.

I think the main problem here is we’re treating the Alliance playerbase as a homogenous group, who refuse to go anywhere but SW. This just isn’t true:

There’s loads of people who prefer roleplaying elsewhere, and that demographic will always do so. (Places like Stromgarde, Duskwood, Dalaran, Booty Bay, Boralus and Ashenvale come to mind, plus all the guilds that travel.)

Whereas the demographic who’d prefer to stay in SW will always stay in SW, if they’re able. If some of those still choose to venture into Redridge when the sharding stops, good for them! But it’s strange for us to expect them too.

It’s like asking someone who prefers Big Macs to settle for Burger King instead. In the end they’ll always go back to Maccy D’s.

Assuming the maccy is actually open and not abandoned.
People will RP where RP is, just the want to RP somewhere alone will give people little to act on if there’s no RP there already.

Which is generally the fate of many locations, though less so now than when Stormwind is fully operational.

Not to say the sharding shouldn’t be fixed, leaving it this way sets an ominous precedent, but I can definitely understand why fans of the less mainstay locations are quite okay woth the current state of things.


It’ll get fixed soon - it always does. It’s not even been a full twenty four hours yet since the Diablo event ended and with my PC dropping down into single figure FPS and pre-patch levels of lag while the goblin was up, I think it is fairly safe to say that the sharding was necessary.

Yes, it sucks it hasn’t happened immediately. Yes, reset would’ve been a good day to do it. No, I don’t think it was worth making a whole second thread and a big song and dance over.


No one denies that sharding is necessary during expansion launches and events like this one. But it should stop when it is no longer necessary without us having to beg and scream at them for it to be removed.

I shoudn’t have to make second threads - besides the fact that I couldn’t post in the other thread because the forum didn’t allow me to, so I had to make this one.

yeah, wait a day or two until it’s fully gone because (bold assumption here i know) blizzard has more important things to keep track of than sharding in one city to keep a bunch of roleplayers happy

you’re welcome


people are rping in this weather?

RP keeps me distracted from boiling alive or melting in my chair…


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