If you’re going to try to entice people with world pvp, it might be a time to limit server hopping in world content explicitly.
As fun as it is to do W-PVP. Its not exactly anything close to W-PVP when the main camp in the new zone. People literally just using LFG, making a big raid to inhabit a shard in and the minority of players of the opposing faction are left with the short stick -
https://imgur.com/sg6t8Qd Today’s Warmode phase of Rustbolt https://imgur.com/a/FrdNndX Yesterday’s warmode phase of Rustbolt https://imgur.com/a/70Tk6el Reset Days warmode phase of Rustbolt
I signed for world pvp, not AV + you can’t do quests as a raid + when you toggle WM, you toggle for the experience of a -PVP- realm, not to be phased into about 15+ servers who are jumping shards to farm people in a neutral town.
Which is why I think its kind of taking the biscuit, from what I remember being told I was only meant to be sharded with RP servers, but thats far from the case.
Had to turn wpvp off because I couldn’t get anything done in Mechagon or Nazjatar. It looked like this https://i.imgur.com/KgaDijF.png
Zuldazar/Kul Tiras seem pretty well balanced for the most part, but these new zones… well, I haven’t seen another horde player since I landed there.
World PvP is anything goes pvp. A bg is fixed 50/50 balanced queued instance. Different things. Do raid to wipe the enemy, then leave raid. Or don’t, choice is yours.
It’s constantly and it’s so bad on my end Mechagon is unplayable unless I go WM off. Which I had to do today… Yeah start a raid, don’t get quest credit for rep. Nazjatar is close to unplayable, I don’t even have to try to get supply caches anymore since it’s always 3 of us vs 10/20/30 Horde. I use raid forming to find a shard where I can loot one for the day, this is not intented. I wlll call them griefers for now who basicly force everybody into raids. And if a shard is balanced they make sure to ruin it. Zero battle for Nazjatars popped today.
patch is new yes, but player attitude wont change. The PVP we wanted and the PVP we got is severely far from even being remotely close to re-living what a semi-decent, equal PVP server used to be like before faction imbalance became a thing.
And all player wants similar chances to play the content. If that is only possible with WM of on most Shards as alliance until playerbase comes down cause they have all they need - this is bad game design in an mmorpg.
that bonus is why lot of ppl are in warmode who dont care about pvp. this is what i think is bad design - mixed with sharding issues cause of different playernumbers and ppl getting grouped up in raids.
dont get me wrong. i’m actually on a pve server if we take the old model cause of the server i was before gone horde-overpopulated - or the last server i was before gone alliance-overpopulated. i didnt want to give out that much money every addon to transfer my chars to a server where it seems balanced. so i desided mid legion to transfer to a pve server.
then bfa was announced with warmode - and my heart bumbed up. i rellay love the idea behind. but how they executed it is really bad in my opinion.
I just think of a warmode without bonus - and only pvp related rewards - do you think we have the same situation like now if a pve only player have no advantage for his game in wm? Do you really think its the solution to turn of the optional WM cause of sharding is not working for most players?