Blizzard, wth?
I know the world PVP is awesome, I really like it. But raid waves in Mechagon, Nazjatar or any other dense populated location? And you have no ideas ot intention to fix that cr#p?
I’ve been in waves of Horde killing innocents, who barely could do anything (cause you don’t get a reqward if you don’t - f#ing awesome). Been the victim of similar Ally waves, just porting at bad timing to Nazjatar.
Correct me if I am wrong. These raids are gathered regulary, right? Do they ever meet each other? I realllly don’t think so. Have not observed this.
That’s obviously a dead end, don’t you think? Those who apologize the current situations - 'it is all PVP mechanic, get used to it. You can make a difference by gathering your team" - please take your time with anything else leveling your selfesteem, you probably need this. Cause you know, you can’t gather another team once you are under the wave. With current rules you can’t resurrect - you’ll be killed instantly on sight by camping oppressors… or you can get up at grave and be off the table with debuff. You can’t do anything once you are dead in the crowd, you can’t regroup, can’t gather another raid.
Make something… anything… Change rules…
- PVP resurrection - can be different… like invisibility/invulnerability buff or smth.
- Raid gathering, Make parties to meet each other. If your design is about slaughter of those, who can’t protect themselves - it is a BAD design, and you probably know it. This is the opposite of fun. PVP is fun when there are chances of winning and losing.
Let the raids have their own shard. - Make an option, a button, whatever, of changing shard. With CD like 5-10 minutes.
- Make changes to honorless kill. Who really cares about the fact you don’t get honor? While the whole game lore is about it (more or less)… Then make the difference in design. Make some unpleasant debuff after honorless kill. Or minus 100 from honor. I dunno. Make just anything that gamers start to consider in PVP. Otherwise it makes no sense.