Sharding ruins mechagon

Let me start off with that it doesnt matter if you are horde or alliance, sharding happens, some in your favor but mostly not, and turning wm off is an option, but you are still sharing the world with other faction players. So im not blaming either for being jerks.

Now with that out of the way. Today i think i experienced the worst possible scenario, in my case, one faction dominating mechagon for an entire day! Im not joking, from 9:00 til 24:00, it wasnt possible to venture anywhere in mechagon without being raped from every direction any place on the map (sorry for the choice of words, only for depicting the situation, not litteral). For people like me and many others who Are trying to do the mecha-done achievement (in my case 2 vinyls, battle- and Triumph of gnomeregan), took the entire day since the opposite faction owned the freaking Island.

I enjoy world pvp, to some degree. But not on mechagon. Any other places on azeroth its ok, you cant expect it to be fairly balanced every single time, sometimes you are a part of an unstoppable train, sometimes not. But on mechagon, Blizzard please, you must have some way to balance it there?! Waiting several hours, or an entire day in this case, to kill steelsinger freeza and doing reclamation rig (preferably hardmode) is so time consuming.

Preferably i want to have wm on since i enjoy it, but on mechagon its a huge issue.

How to solve it? Balance it like it was a battleground, Ill endure a minute extra or 5 of loading screen. I really hope im not alone to feel like this on this topic. Please share your thoughts.

When doing mechagon for pathfinder i turned WM off. Reducing the time to do dailies from 3 hours to 20 minutes was worth the teleport jumping in and out of orgrimmar.

Then i turned WM back on and continued with my stuff around the rest of the world.

Queues for open world… have to wait to enter a zone? No thanks, bad idea.

Your solution, if you don’t want wpvp, is to turn off wm. No other solution is required.

If you do not wish to engage in PvP combat, do not activate War Mode.

Source: Blizzard Support

I dont mind wpvp at all, as mentioned earlier i actually enjoy it, but one faction controlling the entire island due to extremely bad sharding is not, or do you disagree? Sharding is the issue, not warmode

I’ve never come across extreme imbalance like that for such an extended period. From my observations, balance fluctuates. Depends on shard you end up in, but you can change to better shard. I’ve had to do that before, but not because too many enemies, but because too few!

From my perspective, experiencing fluctuating balance, I have no prob with sharding. But if I was always outnumbered, I’d be happy with that too - love to group up and retaliate.

Me too, however this particular day, it was extreme, never seen anything like this. I didnt manage to get one rare kill before after midnight that particular day, even rustbolt, where you should somewhat feel safe, was as dangerous as being on the outside. I would have switched wm off, but it doesnt change the fact that players from the opposite faction gets the tag on rares first, if it was shared across factions, then i would have turned wm off a long time ago. With wm on atleast you could steal the kill, but thats not very nice, atleast thats what i think. Im not a total a**hole trying to steal a rare that doesnt spawn regulary, like killsaw and sparkqueen f.ex. i havent been on today yet, but since i started this thread my faction have been severly outnumbered. I cant say i experience the same problem on nazjatar, but that map is 3 times bigger, or more, than mechagon.

Same Horde players killed Cogstar 5 times in 20 minutes, why? To spite Alliance… ganking squads and all all day long. Mechagon is too small. 80% of days I have to shard into 40 man raid just to get rare kills because it’s impossible.

Turn off warmode. What’s the problem?

Ok, then imagine the same thing with every single rare for an entire day, 9:00 in the morning til midnight. Idk if its because people are just jerks or not. Could be just a terrible shard with the opposite faction massing a huge raid to gank their way trough the content. I do not oppose this strategy for getting pvp quests done fast, but for an entire day???

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