Sharding still active on RP Realm capitals and old world zones (Argent Dawn-EU)

Just as the topic states, we had sharding enabled due to the Treasure Goblin event that lasted up until yesterday. If it wasn’t enabled I’m sure both Orgrimmar and Stormwind had been unplayable.

However, the event’s done and sharding is still active, hindering the RP community in its main and most important function, which is interaction with one another.

Please disable it ASAP.


Hey there Gealek,

This isn’t typically within the scope of customer support directly, but I understand it has a big impact for the communities on these realms and so we’ve passed it along to see if we can find out some more details about the plan going forward.

In terms of planning your activities for the weekend, I wouldn’t expect any changes to this until next week’s restarts at the earliest, but don’t quote me on that.

Thanks and I hope you can still manage in the meantime!


Thanks for the heads up.

Though it is pretty crazy to see how this is handled. I am a little surprised that it is a manual process and not something that automatically goes away when the event ends, as we all expected. It is annoying that we keep having to remind Blizzard to turn it off.


Hello again,

I am happy to confirm sharding will once again be disabled with the next round of upcoming restarts.

Thanks for your patience all!


Thanks for the headsup, I’ve shared that info on the AD realm forum.

Though I find it strange it takes a reset this time and not how it was done in the past (eg. I recall sharding getting removed after a Wednesday around 4-5PM server time for the Dragonflight prelaunch event), at least we have a deadline now.

This is good news - but I’m sure that I speak for a good majority when I say:

It’s about damn time.


Great to hear!

I agree. Blizzard has never cared much for the RP community anyways. It’s almost as if they have several worlds which they could use for this event.
Happy it’s going away soon. (again)

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