Disclaimer: This ISN’T alliance only problem but as an alliance player, I’ll write this post from my own point of view.
I really don’t understand how Blizzard designed the shard system when the goal was to improve the gaming experience and not destroy it!
I do think that a similar technology should exist to distribute players populations in the game but the execution of the current system is just bad.
Faction imbalance is probably a hard problem to solve, I mean you can’t force players to change faction and even if Blizzard were to bring racials more closer together many players wouldn’t spend the money to transfers when it costs like €30 per character.
How are you supposed to do WPvP when you are outnumbered? what’s the point of having a 30% buff when you get destroyed? I get that the idea is to give players an incentive to turn on WM but it doesn’t solve anything, in fact, I thought that the quest “Against Overwhelming Odds” and the increase to the buff was meant to be temporary solution but from my experience it doesn’t really work.
The horde are controlling everything, we didn’t even take a single War Supply Chest in Nazjatar! not to mention trying to do the Battle for Nazjatar, we barely hold 1 flag when they control everything else.
Here are some images from one of the battles I’ve done today:
Now on top of all of this there was insane lag… so not only you are outnumbered but you can’t even use any of your abilities due to the massive lag as if server can’t even handle the load and I checked the latency was about ~60ms both in home and world.
In Mechgon you can’t do any of the objectives, especially things that you need to kill like rares, the horde are just all over the place so I do the PvP quests by picking up the chests and then the only way for me to complete the remaining quests is to turn off WM which is unfortunate.
Here is another image from Mechagon: https://imgur.com/GzAUNkC
Open World
Another problem which I encountered with sharding is few days ago a Druid and a Rogue ganked one of my alts in Nazjatar so I tried to log to my main and give them a fair fight but I couldn’t because I was on a different shard so I couldn’t see them and this probably has nothing to do with Nazjatar specifically but can happen anywhere else.
I already wrote a similar post about it and since then there were two hotfixes that tried to solve the problem and in practice it’s like nothing is done.