standardised loot system, not reliant on dungeon X for loot XY (very big +)
it’s nothing new (you can see it however you want)
if you were expecting something new, you will be satiated with dull farming without much effort to get loot (you can see it however you want)
As I said, it’s VERY good that BiS XY can’t drop on boss XY in dungeon XY for a chance of XY, I would NOT have wanted that at all.
The current loot system is TOP.
A chance of fun items that don’t improve gear in the dungeons would still have been a bit of a gag, so that you don’t really just get 1:1 loot in the dungeons themselves which is just… wasted.
It would have been MUCH more fun if something new had come along, but they could have just gone back to being completely stupid and… created some weird stuff…
It’s a bit dry, but at least nothing to get upset about would be my last words.
I noticed that there is no healing buff in this version of dungeons which makes the work of healers quite challenging. I have a gear level of 373 and I struggled to heal sometimes. The buff needs to return.
My main gripe with them is when you go with a pre-made party, you get zero buff whereas if you just queue on your own and go with a complete pug group everyone gets a damage/heal buff.
This means that there is no incentive to go with your friends and guild mate, kinda defeats the object of the game imho because doing them as a full guild group means they take much longer.
Give my perspective, not played Cata since the launch, but have been playing retail since pretty much. Coming in fresh without having recent experience of the original heroics they just felt exactly like heroics to me, a lot different to the HC + in WOTLK Classic where they had affixes and the bosses dropped raid loot.
Now maybe they do have affixes? But I didn’t notice them and I did a few of them, it just felt like maybe bosses took slightly longer to die? But stuff was still melting and dungeons were over smoothly and quickly.
TLDR I couldn’t tell if there was any difference, my char is ilvl356 or so.
Now that I have farmed roughly 350-400 fissure stones since p3 went live, I actually kinda like the inferno dungeons.
I’m a fan of the Cata dungeons in general. And even though I have already been farming these on and off for 5-6 months, I think it’s a breath of fresh air after ZA/ZG on repeat for a couple of months.
I do fear that they will become quite a pain later down the line though, when the decent players got everything they need from the dungeons. I can definitely see a full group of 346-350 ilvl players using suboptimal gear, suboptimal rotations while messing up certain mechanics struggling in them.
As for the affixes, I’m slightly positive about them not making a return. Majority of WotLK dungeons got worse with them, in my opinion. There were a few interesting ones, like the Ulduar dungeons, but most were mostly an annoyance. I’d rather have no affix than a clunky one.
Really? That’s actually one of the things that has surprised me in a positive way. Atleast in my groups (must’ve ran like 30-40 dungeons soloqueue), nobody has been rude or initiated votekicks even once. Except for one time when a dps’er went offline and didn’t come back for a few minutes. Perhaps I have just been lucky. The difference is night and day compared to before p3, in my opinion.
Sadly this feature happens way too often, without a fair resolution. It happened to me a week or teo ago, when I asked the DK to use CR on our healer, who had died due to a faulty pull by the tank. The tank and his buddy (guildmate), both explained to me how DKs didn’t have CR… In which I responded by telling him in where exactly he could find it in his spell book and what the name of the spell is. I was kicked a minute later, and the healer whispered me that he didnt even get a chance to accept o decline the request. And that he thought it was a complete joke. He even proceeded to explain how some changes has occurred from wotlk to cata, and the tabj finally realised he had made a mistake. A mistake which I ate a deserter debuff for.
As a WoW “Nolifer” that has 9 classes max lvl’d it’s really great to gear them up for the next tier
If you know how to press buttons and pop CDs AND DO INTERRUPTS you can easily farm this from 350+ ilvl (I did it with some of my chars and I was not struggling in healing/tanking neither was I the lower DPS)
the BIG W is that we can get Sinestra 379ilvl items
the other BIG W is that we CAN’T (and I know i will get hated for that) get the 372 heroic weapons, why ? Cause that makes the 365 crafted weapons relevant for people to farm them.
Cons :
100% health imo is way to much for some dungeons that are not that worth to do (Vortex Pinnacle for example) it would have been a good idea to scale that HP buff with the amount of Marks you get. (100% HP for 12+ dungeons, and 75% for less than 10)
The big L is the ilvl requirement, this is imo way too low considering that most of people don’t do tacts or play their char rightly, and i’m not talking about DPS or healing, i’m talking about the spells or interrupt that are not done properly, or even the simple mechanics of some bosses that are not done and make healer or the rest of the group losing time. (I know that ilvl is not equal to personnal skill, but considering a 355+ ilvl requirement, you can expect people to have enough gear to get soft carried.
80 Marks for Sinestra is still too much imo, I’m fine with it but i don’t think this is a 100% opinion on this. New tier is coming, Some class needs 2-3 times a 80 Marks item so it is a 18 Dungeons runs for them so something like 9 Hours of game time in Pugs
The dungeons are fine, loot system feels rewarding and my overall feeling is I’m glad they exist and there’s something to do in the game now and an easy way to catch up with alts.
I’m a little bit concerned that in a few weeks when the raid geared players are no longer queueing and there’s a higher proportion of 346s in half pvp gear without gems, enchants or reforging that it’s going to be a complete nightmare. As I recall the health buffs in HoS and HoL for the alpha dungeons in wrath became viewed as not even worth attempting with low geared groups because of the time required.
Yesterday we had 360ilvl DK tank in PvP gear and 348ilvl paladin healer in Lost city of Tolvir inferno. 8 wipes, while our dps we ilvl 370 FDK, 368 mage (me), 365 UDK.
When you queue with your guild members you get no healing buff. But all mobs attack for 25% more. Healing is more difficult. So the problem is not with me. It’s just facts.
Mobs also have 200% of the HP, so fights are longer and you need to heal with mana efficient spells. Also if your group ignores mobs mechanics and just tries to AoE em down without mass CC most healers are going OOM in seconds.