Share Your Mount Ideas!

true. not sure what could be done now though considering where we sit in the game compared to how mounts were brought in in GW2.

one thing off the top of my head, maybe they could group mounts into families? like battle pets. then give families a perk? off the top of my head… …?

  • boar mounts - able to mine ore while mounted.
  • wolf mounts - able to remain mounted while in combat (but reduced to unmounted speed).
  • “fish” mounts - underwater breathing.

more thought could give a better list of families and perks, but its 1am and i cant think, but yeah, its an idea! :smiley:


That’s a nice idea, I mean they could really look into our mount system and improvise a bit more ^^
I wouldn’t mind giving them some extra animations to give them more personality too…and our characters really should not be so stiff when riding D: female Pandaren, for example, have quite a neat little mounting animation, they even caress the mount?

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A retro style pixel art mount.

I had this idea of a mount for a while now.

For the shadowlands pathfinder, we could get a mount that is a pair of wings.

These wings will change in appearance depending on which covenant we belong to.

For kyrian, we’d get angelic wings. For revendreth, bat wings, necrolord, skeletal wings and night fae, butterfly wings.

It’ll be unique, would totally match the theme of the expansion and it’ll be something we’ve never had or seen before.


Dont make new mounts… just upgrade the old ones!
We have so many low-rez mounts which are outdated by 10-15 years.

4 gnomes and a carrying chair.

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1 gnome, 1 mechagnome, 1 vulpera, 1 goblin :smiley: Thats better.

I want a Roman style chariot as a mount option, and let me customise what pulls it too.

Not my idea, but Wowhead’s April Fools 2020, A-0041 Deluxe Surface Skimmer and H-0041 Surface Skimmer mounts, please Blizz.

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Another horse mount would be nice.

:newspaper_roll:… Thwakkk!

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You can have this one.

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I played this with headphones on at full blast, damn that woke me up.

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Lets steal some more mounts from SWTOR just like this one

I would really, really, really want to see something like that. It would be unique and awesome @.@

A feral worgen.

I want a reskinned mage class mount from legion, it’s the only real disk mount in the game it looks so cool, like silver surfer or something

and no, the disgusting lorewalkers cloud from pandaria is NOT the same not even close.

Giant squid.

I would like to see updated HD versions of Swift Spectral Tiger and Swift Zulian Tiger (but as seperate mounts), like how it was with updated Qiraji mounts for those who originally got them.

Updated versions of other racial mounts (like Night Elves, I know new mounts were added in Darkshore etc.) but I’m talking about updated versions of racial mounts that have gems on their armor like Night Elf Sabers.

Also this,

A Phoenix mount with a new, unique model that has animation for turning into ashes then reborning from flames for idling or /mountspecial, like this one:

I don’t mind if this last one would be a Store mount or not, just make it happen please, so I can instant buy it. :smile:

I got SO many more amazing ideas about the WoW (for mounts that is at least), if only if they put me in charge. :rofl: