Share Your Mount Ideas!

Maybe something unique like jetpack/wings that will act as mount basicaly and same rules will exist for it as for other mounts ingame.

sit on a goblins shoulders while it carries you around :smiley:

LOL wow needs to evolve! We need to get WOW2 so we can get planes and cars that are faster than a horse or guns that actually shoot etc.

A better and more detailed cloud mount

I am still waiting for a Mad Max-like MMORPG, everyone is making MMOs that are set in a medieval fantasy world…come on, do something unique and set in ‘modern’ or post-apocalyptic setting! D:

Anyway, that aside…
I really, really want a proper wyvern…not the Horde wyvern (it’s a manticore), but a real reptilian wyvern D:

Thrall with an apple in his mouth

Is it too late to suggest a vicious forum pvp-er?

General Draven from Shadowlands as mount.

A palanquin carried by bunch of gnomes/humans/nelfs/worgens

Another Brutosaur mount would be awesome! Imagine a War Brutosaur covered head to toe in Zandalari armour, to mount up and charge against your enemies upon!
I just want a Brutosaur which isn’t a dumb utility mount.

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t-rex mount please

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