Share your "unconventional" talent builds and introduce what problems they fix

My first favourite is my squid build:
Absolutely loving it when i’m premade with my friends and they’re not taking a billion damage and i can get 8-10 torment windows getting 8-10 torment windows on chef’s kiss pulls. I know healers job is healing, but getting to the other side of 100k dps is absolutely lovely. Rhapsody holy nova is the unsung hero of the build, giving some no-attonement top-off healing from 95-100%, while doing a ridicolous burst “every 20 seconds”. The 2 points in crystalline reflections are flex points that can go wherever atm.
I’m currently toying around with dropping fade for essence devourer, but i end up dying to boss mechanics, and i don’t think i can skimp on any other talent points to get there. Giving up mass dispell seems like suicide on most dungeons, and %feather is unsung territory for me.

On pushing keys i go for a mindgames build, with weal and woe for big Solace heals:
Your damage output in this build is more flattened, you don’t see big numbers in the same way and in general does 5-10k less dps than the squidbuild, but mindgames with vamp embrace is just an instantly fixed low person in for example sentinel talondras - additionally, the 80k reversed damage is big on the next stomp going out. But sadly you’re entirely relying on halo and dots for AOE on trash pulls.

The idea for the mindgames build came when i tried to disco up a raid.
I’m only 4/9 raiding as a disco priest, and it seems like i’m not topping numbers compared to other healers, but some decent rapture rampage into a radiance-Shadow covenant payoff seems to be doing some work in raids but numbers tend to rule disco priest out and i don’t know how to (see: like) to play holy priest so i stick with my guns BAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaplIHAkIlISrFJJRkAAAAAAAAAAAQCt04AtkIRaECIkSJSkEAA
I’m still torn between aegis of wrath and weal and woe, if i’m tank focus i’d definitely pref aegis of wrath - if i’m not i think weal and woe along with it’s other talents slightly surpasses it with attonement healing

So, do you guys go with any unconventional stuff and how is it working out?

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