Sharing Keybinds for different Forms

I’ve picked up my druid to level for the first time since pre-Dragonflight, so all my old form-shifting macros for various abilities and talents have had to be remade. I’m running into an issue with Balance Druid’s choice nodes for active talents (eg. Force of Nature/Warrior of Elune) where in my instance I want the button to share the same keybind other form buttons such as Growl. I already have the macro set up this way:

/cast [stance: 0] Swiftmend; [stance: 1] Growl; [stance: 4] Fury of Elune; [stance: 4] New Moon;

Now if I’m in Resto it becomes Swiftmend no problem, and so long as I’m in bear form I can always use Growl, but I want this button to also be the Moonkin talent ability. I’ve tried using the ‘known’ argument but maybe I used it wrong or it doesn’t in this instance work. Anyone have any ideas?

Try this
/cast [stance: 0] Swiftmend; [stance: 1] Growl; [stance: 4, known:202770] Fury of Elune; [stance: 4, known:202767] New Moon;

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