Sharpened Blades buff bugged

Whenever I use melee attack with my rogue, I get the buff “Sharpened blades” which is an old azerite trait which was removed long time ago. I still get the buff even with no items equipped. I deleted WTF folder, Cache, Interface, used /reload, reset my interface, but it is still bugged. I even sold all my old gear which had azerite traits. I get it on any specialization, using any talent. And of course the buff does not increase the damage of shuriken toss, so it is purely a visual bug.

I have found that others have the same issue, but it looks like this problem has not been dealt with yet. Will it go away with the release of Shadowlands?

Any support would be appreciated as I always get that irritating buff which does nothing. I used the ingame bug report several times, also opened a ticket but no solution was provided.

Character is Rawban-Ragnaros

Can I please get a reply from a dev or something?

I’m afraid devs don’t read the forums. You can report it as a bug ingame.
You could also try entering an arena skirmish as that normally clears all buffs.

I have been reporting this in the bug report for a month in game, and I still have this buff on my character. Arena does not remove it.

I wonder if I got any benefit from it, like a damage bonus, how fast would it be corrected… I can make a good guess it would have already been fixed weeks ago.

Sorry to hear you’re having this issue.

If a temporary buff is stuck on your character and it persists through death, this is something support can help you out with. Please make a ticket ingame (bottom right, via the :question: button :slight_smile:

:snowman_with_snow: Merry Winterveil! :snowflake:

It does not persist through death. Whenever I attack I get a 30 sec buff which stacks up to 30 times. If I stop attacking, the buff will fall off after 30 seconds. If I start attacking again, it will appear again… It does not modify the dmg of the poisoned knife, but the buff is visible. It is an azerite trait which was removed long time ago, I think back in the Uldir times. I just want to get rid of it because it reminds me of BFA :worried:

I have also made a ticket, but all I was told was to open a bug report in game. And the support did the same, they reported the bug. Since then nothing happened… It is a bug which affects only a few characters so I think it is handled as prio Z…