In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Shattered Hand in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
EDIT: Shazzrah - PVP - English will be the new Shattered Hand!
Well, I’ll start of with introducing myself:
I’m Belg the licking dwarf huntard, started off in ‘Belgian Guards of Honor’ and moved onto Illuminati in the end of TBC. I also played with the guild ‘Non Fiction’ before I took over the guild called ‘Free Perks’ which afterwards moved away from the server to ‘Free Licks’ on Ravencrest.
I’m hoping to gather as much allies from the old days back into 1 server and share that server with atleast ‘Order of the Hammer’ and ‘Illuminati’.
With Illuminati we should be recruiting all the oldschool people and their friends and ofcourse some new blood as well 
Very soon I hope to release here which new server we will be picking. We can reserve our names on the 13th of august and before that they should release the realmlist…
Played as Ultrio, nelf Druid for KaoS Contingency during Vanilla and went on as Raid Leader for KaoS during TBC. Lost track of WoW after WOTLK but casually playing again.
I’ll probably be playing classic and ditching retail once it hits.
Hello hello everyone.
Just putting some feelers out to see who will be playing on Shattered Hand again. I’ll be playing, just not sure if I’ll be alliance or horde this time.
Ofcourse I would rather have the whole KaoS Contingency back, but if it wouldn’t, feel free to join Illuminati which will be made ASAP after launch 
As for Shako, Order Of The Hammer should come back as a guild, so you would find your home again 
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Haven’t really heard from KaoS in ages, we all get older…
Joining Illuminati might be a good idea, keep in touch once server names get released.
Hey, worst hunter here
played mainly in UK Legion, Sleepless Knights, One Vision and finally OotH from late vanilla to mid wrath
Still play retail as a bad mage
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Hasnt most people on SH been through an OOTH face at one point or another in time? 
Fifur, Dwarf Paladin, Mithrid.
i ganked alot 
I will be playing again, not sure for how long but… hope to see some old familiar faces!
oh its the fish still being evil… still working on convincing Ac to come back afterall he is the only real shadow priest on SH
Rapster NE Hunter
Order of the Hammer / Illuminati / KaoS
And obviously going Ally this time around as well, hunter again, NE again, but this time as female NE 
Plexieglas, Gnome, Warrior
Order of the Hammer
Played through Wotlk and Cataclysm, my personal highlight was ****ing up server first tribute to insanity
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Aglaia - NE hunter
Cicilia - NE druid
Played with a lot of Swedish players in a few guilds; Mithrid, Lights Out etc.
Was a crazy girl back then! And very interested in finding out what happened to my homeboy Tvålen and Kobra!
bnet Aspie#21160
Playing ally on Flamelash.
New Classic realm: Shazzrah - PVP - English
It’s nice to see so many familiar names or people who were in familiar guilds
Looking forward to see you ingame!
Only 2 PVP ENU servers… what a joke lol
I guess see you on Shazzrah then!