Wow. Weird to see these names.
Taur, reluctant resto/enhancement shaman.
Also played in Vicious where I was the shaman officer for a while (perhaps til I quit somewhere mid BWL, don’t remember). Got a few good memories but honesty it was half a life ago so memory is a bit shoddy. Used to PVP a bit as well.
Really looking to connect with Jinzu, troll mage. We had a lot of good times.
I remember Sileya as well, and of course Grosh, our illustrious leader. Once he was completely awol from raid and we started looking his name up in phone catalogs and a warrior (can’t remember the name, Swedish) started calling random people so we could hear it on vent. Hilarious. He was gone for a couple more days and then he came back - he’d been bingin EQ2 and forgot the raids 
Wait, Herrpunisher - I think you were the guy calling?
I’ll try classic a lil bit, name will be Ridebird on Shazzrah.
Grekoo - orc hunter
Played in vicious recognize alot of the names already mention!
Will be playing on shazzrah
Natoko - Tauren Hunter
Played with Legion of Attma, The Rising, Noon, Gosu and a short time in Loco Motives at the end.
We’re a bunch of players from Shattered Hand planning on rolling on Gehennas, would be great to see some familiar names there!
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Oh my god 
Hey everyone! God damn most you guys must be in your 50’s now, I was the youngling in Vicious 
Pentass, Herrpunisher, Greekoo, Rhombus, Necrofear, I remember all of these names! And Oakie the legend! Me and Euter (along with Frogman, Shintaro, Ekorre, Lazgas and others) will be playing on Shazzrah. Man I would love to go raid with all you guys again!
Just don’t put Mogrull on as loot master, he’ll be smoking too much and mess things up again 
Hope to see you all in-game! One week left!
PS: I’ll be nicking Kottn so just /w me
Colabusken, UD Priest later on Axxtross UD Warlock
Played with a bunch of guilds, Gosu / NooN etc.
Will be rolling Horde again on Gehennas most likely :).
Hello Grosh the illustrious leader of Vicious here!!
I just chatted with Mogrull and found out about this thread. I’m playing Classic with some friends and we choose not Shazzrah. I regret this after reading this thread. I’ll try get my friends to change their minds and go to Shazzrah with you guys instead!!
Hope to see you ingame soon!
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So happy to hear you’re playing! Seems we have a bunch of Vicious going Classic! I’d be so damn happy to get a guild going together with you and the lads. I’m more than certain many other former Vicious members feel the same way.
As Blizzard has spun up total of 10 PVP servers in EU now, it seems Shazzrah has a queue of 10 000 - 20 000, and I haven’t even been able to join in yet. After 2 hours of queue, I got “World Server Down” on loading screen. Me and the guys I’m teaming up with are not huge fans of queues & errors, and eventually we called it a night. I did try out the Low-population servers and got in right away though, made it to level 3 in 15 min with no lag or loot troubles.
Edit: I also tried the Medium pop servers and they worked fine
May I ask what server you decided on?
I hope we can meet up on the same one sooner or later!
Varma hälsningar
I spoke with my friends and we are not going to play on Shazzrah. We all got jobs and some have familys so we dont want to come home and sit in queue for hours to play.
We are playing on Gandling for now at least.
I wish you all good luck or you can come join us on Gandling.
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Jow Grosh!
Vadsieg, Rhombus and me will join that server as well.
Other servers are insane!
greetz Puni
Painwracker - Undead Rogue
Used to play with The Rising, Gosu.
We managed to clear Onyxia and Molten core in The Rising I think, I even got full Nightslayer set!
Some players I can remember playing with are:
Helmer - Tauren Shaman
Duborgin - Orc Rogue
Proudhoof - Tauren Shaman or maybe Warrior?
Osirus - Troll Shaman
Will add more names as I hopefully will remember more.
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• Melantha, Female UD Rogue with great hair that I left in vanilla. Rerolled belf pally when TBC rolled around, named Allison, and lastly a hunter named Curiosity. Played some months into wotlk but meh.
• Been in various guilds, Gosu (the first one), The Rising, Noon, Crimson Fellas Utd, Fishbone, very short stint in Novus (left and went back to CFU which then migrated >_>, I stayed).
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
I recognise some names here, might have played with some of you.
I’ll rolled an orc rogue (just to switch it up) on Gehennas, see you there?
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Osirus was the guy jumping on the bank roof 24/7! Great brit. I miss his voice in ventrilo.
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Fhyrne Undead Female Priest
Aganaa Undead Female Rogue
-Played in-
The Rising
Haha I remember your nickname from Gosu and NooN I think. I was Hoed the rogue friends with Pomba, Phantaflaska.
My characters name was Suarez, a Tauren druid.
I use to level a lot with a person, I know their real first name but struggle to remember the character names. He was swedish and we used msn messenger a lot to communicate outside of the game