Shattered Hand (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Shattered Hand in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

New Shattered Hand: Shazzrah - PVP - English

I’m posting this for the horde as well, as I hope we can gather the old Shattered Hand realm on a new realm again in Classic…

I will just copy my post from the ally side, adding here that any hordies who would like to reroll are also welcome :wink:

I’m hoping to release the realm we’ll pick ASAP, here the copied post:

I’m Belg the licking dwarf huntard, started off in ‘Belgian Guards of Honor’ and moved onto Illuminati in the end of TBC. I also played with the guild ‘Non Fiction’ before I took over the guild called ‘Free Perks’ which afterwards moved away from the server to ‘Free Licks’ on Ravencrest.

I’m hoping to gather as much allies from the old days back into 1 server and share that server with atleast ‘Order of the Hammer’ and ‘Illuminati’.

With Illuminati we should be recruiting all the oldschool people and their friends and ofcourse some new blood as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Very soon I hope to release here which new server we will be picking. We can reserve our names on the 13th of august and before that they should release the realmlist…

Zaycho, Orc Hunter, played mainly in Eternal Dawn.

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Pelta, Tauren Warrior

Well, Shazzrah - PVP - English will be the new Shattered Hand! Spread it amongst your befriended SH’ers! :wink:

Whitey from Eternal Dawn here! :stuck_out_tongue: Druid.

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Voodianos here, tauren druid horde. Any old Fishboners here that made me crap my pants becauses I didnt have flasks when Nazx came? I was 15 omg :slight_smile:

Troll rogue

Koohrak, guild Loco Motives, Troll Rogue
Still rocking the same char as main on The Maelstrom. :stuck_out_tongue:

Core, Undead Mage in Titans most of the time. Looking forward to redeem my noobteenself.

Drakdon, Undead Priest, Just Arrived

Boten - UD Male Rogue
Köttkula - UD Male Mage.

Can’t seem to remember my guilds :frowning:

Kottn - male UD rogue
Played in Simplification, Vicious
I’ll be on Shazzrah with lots of other SH-EU people I know IRL from back in 2004-2006. :slight_smile:

Hoping to find some cool people I played with. Man we had a lot of fun in Ventrilo. Some names I remember off the top off my head are:
(Many more, sorry, it’s been like 13 years.)

There’s this website with lots more registered people, check it out to find your old mates (google: vanillafriends). 251 people from SH-EU on it.


Pentass - Tauren Male Resto/Enhance Shaman
Played in Loco Motives and Simplification

I remember you Kottn and Koohrak!

What a long time ago!


Oakie - Male Troll Rogue

Played in Simplification and Vicious.
Part of the Vicious Rogue squad with: Kottn, Euter, Roofies, Sileya

Going to be rolling on Shazzrah aswell.

Remember you and all of the names you mentioned Kottn, met both Sysstring and Pentass on Dreamhack many years ago if i remember correctly.

Ill add some other names Kottn didnt mention:
Herrpunisher (i think?)

And many more who i cant think of right now.

So many fun memories from those days, hope to see you soon again!

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Necrofear, Troll/Undead priest from Phantoms of the Fields and Vicious. Unlikely to start playing classic again, but good to see some familiar names here. :smile:

HerrPunisher, Orc Warrior from Phantoms of the Fields and Vicious.

Rhombus and me will be on Shazzrah aswell. (And Necrofear will play believe me :stuck_out_tongue:)

Mjada is a close friend of mine! :smiley:

Bungler - UD Mage in the guild Fula skitiga och elaka.
Going to play as a warrior on EDIT: Gehennas [PvP]