Shazzrah is Albanian

Blizz refuse to give servers to us in Albania for too long

Albanian community has decided SHAZZRAH

All Albanian brothers welcome to join and seek shelter together from the racial oppression we experience on Firemaw and Hydraxian Waterlords

Thx for your attention
RIP Deon

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Um actually, you can’t claim an entire realm for your nation. Shazzrah is a multi-cultural realm where people of all nations and faiths are welcome.

I don’t know who this ‘Deon’ is, but I bet he would be ashamed to see you posting this tripe on the realm forums if he were still alive. Try being less narrow minded in the future.

  • Lucio

right but who’s this lucio character and what more might he know about the late deon’s shame because I’m getting whodunnit vibes

Nah mate this has been claimed by the English community nice try.


The albanian community intends to communicate only in english to tell the tales of our heritage to those from other lands

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Shazzrah is Albania, other country - DRAGONFANG

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LOL no, now feck off and go sell drugs like you Albanians do


You go to dragonfang or we big extort you

The realm has been claimed by Ragnaros’ army, led by Shazzrah. You and your Albanian army stand no chance against the Fire Lord!!!

Baron Geddon says hi!

I don’t want to agree but if it gets more people over to Dragonfang, sure lets do it.

On behalf of The British (people i know) we are not amused!

p.s - do you have a shrubbery?

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No, Shazzrah for Albanian.

Funny that you say Albania sell drug, your country full of drug! My friend Rian go to England he say very dirty lot of drug. We not want to live on same server, go to Dragonfang!

diversity is our strength :^)