I was finishing the questline of Sheath Of Light, and the last quest: “Aeonas the Vindicated” that drops the rune “Sheath of Light” is bugged. It didn’t complete when I went to the Stormwind cathedral and talked to both him or Katherine. I restarted, deleted cache, turned off addons and nothing worked. When that didn’t work, I dropped it thinking I could maybe pick it up again. But, the quest is now lost… I even did Cath again to see if he was in the room and he wasn’t there…
“By The Light’s Grace”, the previous quest, is completed correctly, when tested using “/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(79963))” it returns TRUE.
Now I can’t get any other rune that depends on this one… and I can’t talk to Aeonas as hes in the state previous to giving the rune but doesn’t…
Does anyone know if there is a fix for this bug?