Shield and shoulder clipping should really be fixed

Ok, so it might just be me but man am I getting peeved about all the shields clipping pauldrons.

There are so many great set and so many great looking shields (love kite shields especially) but most of them (wont say all) clip with shoulders and sometimes gloves. And thats on the “baseline” human race.

So is it just me? Is everyone else ok with that?
It is a 20 year old game and shrinking one or the other doesnt seem like that big of a deal. :smiley:


No, it’s just something we’ve learned to deal with because the chances of them fixing it is next to none.

Also hat hair. Been asked about for 2 decades, and we still go bald when equipping a summer hat.


Sadly so true

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Old engine, based on generic anchor points to attach gear models to character models.

it annoys me most on heritage armour

if you’re making it for one race, surely to god you can make it so its not clippy

Not only that, I hate to have a big shield on the back while casting.

Because the only thing you see of the mog is the shield. And I spend a lot of hours farming backpacks that hide it…

Also huge 1-handed weapons on the hip… looks really bad !

So I also farm like crazy weapons that sheathe on the back, so they are also hidden.

I should be able to hide weapons if I wanted to.