Did Blizz change anything in regards to how this macro works:
#showtooltip Shield Bash
/equip (your mainhand here)
/equip (your shield here)
/cast Shield Bash
I used this macro in Classic with the HC addon, but now on the official server I have to press the macro two times. The first time it just says that I must have a shield equipped in red letters on the screen.
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I think it’s because GCD, swap weapons incurs in GCD so you can’t swap weapons and immediately use Shield Bash.
#showtooltip Shield Bash
/stopcasting [noworn:Shields]
/equipslot 17 Hunting Buckler
/equipslot 16 Haggard’s Axe
/cast [form:3,worn:Shields] Battle Stance
/cast Shield Bash
This is driving me crazy at the moment too - I’ve tried multiple variations of the macro but it’s still happening. Nearly died to a lack of interrupt due to it earlier today.
This is the current version of the macro I have on my l20 warrior, I’ve tried both others shown in this post within the last week but still get the “You must have a shield equipped to use Shield Bash” warning on screen randomly, so it’s got to be a race condition somewhere.
#showtooltip Shield Bash
/stopcasting [noworn:Shields]
/equip Grunt’s Shield of the Bear
/equip Thun’grim’s Axe
/cast battle stance
/cast shield bash
Can´t do it in one press. Always need two.