Shield Charge Not Advancing in Castsequence Macros – Needs Attention

Hello Dev Team,

I wanted to highlight an issue with Shield Charge in macros, specifically when using it in a castsequence. Despite following proper syntax, Shield Charge consistently fails to progress the macro to the next ability, effectively breaking the sequence.

Here are the issues observed:

  • Macro Stuck at Shield Charge: When placed in a castsequence, Shield Charge does not advance to the next spell. This failure is particularly noticeable if the target is out of melee range. It appears the macro treats Shield Charge as a failed cast in such cases, resulting in the sequence “sticking” at this point.
  • Inconsistent Behavior: Other abilities like Charge and Intercept work fine in similar sequences, suggesting this behavior may be unique to Shield Charge.

This problem limits Shield Charge’s utility in macros, creating frustration for those who want to combine it with other abilities in sequences. It’s been an issue since the ability was introduced and has affected many players trying to use it effectively.

Please consider investigating this problem, as a fix would be beneficial for smoother gameplay and macro functionality. Thank you!

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