Ship 2 Forum Posters :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I miss him too

He needs to be alive again

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Me and bagpipes

Punyelf and tah

i would love to see the offspring of that mess


I am shipping Jorge de Guzman and Howie. They might not have a lot in common, but still they share the now and the future with each other. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I only just saw this one!!

Considering Tah is from NL I would love it. Grew up there :stuck_out_tongue:

You never know, he might even let me drag him into M+

Punyelf and any food

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Hairyclown was his name- iirc he had a bit of a meltdown on here over something and never came back. Those food pics were great

There are things I don’t like!!!

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That explains why I like the guy.

I seem to have a thing for dutch
 things. Also you Puny. I didn’t know you grew up there!

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in this case, id ship Puny and transmog :3


Me and Twiluna,

We go way back.

From love to hate, to hate to love,
to mutual understanding,
To me almost being able to smell the hair of her elven scent

On a serious note, there was that DH during BfA and part of SL that always was posting troll posts or edgy ones and always coming back, don’t remember the name, but he is like polar opposite of Punyelf and they could be ying and yang


Me too, I love dresses like that! Wish we had more such mogs :c


Last time you had a mog like that you were stopped at the exit, escorted to the security room and strip searched by 6 burly orcs who thought you had silver spoons taped to your back so probably not a good idea.

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Are they blind? The spoons were literally covering my breasts and there were only 2 of them! As it should be

Definitely not enough for 6 orcs that demand 2 for each of their fingers
 how much time should I spend in Gnomeregan getting irradiated to meet their horrendous demands

Orcs :axe:

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Why does this not surprise me with you x.x

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She can’t help herself, she hears “Barbie Girl” on Silvermoon FM Playing you the biggest hits and before we know it she’s up on the table taking her clothes off like they were on fire.

Scurrilous rumours that I keep requesting it to be played cunningly disguising my voice to sound like a troll are just beneath me, spotless as my reputation is.

I don’ even soun’ like a troll mon.


I learned from the best


There are downsides to torching a building downtown and I’m afraid it might happen again!

You remember the reference, don’t you :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Cloth armor is, sadly, very flammable, and with fire resistance being removed long ago, I definitely envy Alleriana’s chainmail armor.

This is more of a dwarf’s accent, but with you being scottish, it’s close enough.

Talking dwarves, grab a pint for us ladies, if you’d be so kind :beer:

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Hey Hey Hey, don’t drag me into your smutty circle!


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