Ship 2 Forum Posters :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Imagine the riches we could reap for a decent living!

Give yourself to the dark side…

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Oh sweetie, I’ve never been a good girl and I’ve been reaping those kinds of rewards for a long time.

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Suddenly the other topic about rain in buildings makes so much more sense. Apparently sprinklers have been installed.


Souldefiler Sprinklers Inc, your local expert in Fire Safety. Installing and maintaining sprinkler systems for businesses and homes everywhere since 2001.

Andy “Souldefiler Sprinklers saved me a fortune in repair costs when my home mysteriously caught fire one dark night. I can rest assured that even though the house was unfortunately destroyed, Souldefiler Sprinklers came valiantly to the rescue and succumbed to the flames playing it’s part

Gemma “I was given a personal meeting by Souldefiler herself when I saw her ad in Stormwind Echo, she sat and explained all the details and safety hazards involved. She also graciously gave me her insurance plan in the event of any fire. I am glad that insurance was taken, I urge any future customer to take the offer

Sid the Squid. “whaaaaaa…? Shay Shouldefiler Shprinkler what now… Got any spare gold I wanna hit the Goldshire Inn tonight… I hear some blood elevesh are on ton… (burrrrrrrrp)… ooh excush me…

Marion “I was so worried about my home being boring and drab so I ordered the premium range of chrome sprinkler heads. Souldefiler also recommended that instead of the boring old water tank sprinklers I upgrade to the… oh what did she call it… hang on my paperwork is here somewhere… Ah here it is. I ordered the super safe “Hydrocarbon premium system 2000”. Sounds great I said! and I also wanted to be very safe so I also took out the most valuable insurance premium possible. No amount of money is too much to keep my 3 cows safe!

And I’m glad I took out the insurance as that very same night, a passing hooded woman on horseback paused to ask for directions on her map. It was too dark so I asked if she could use a match to brighten it. After I quickly showed her the way she threw the match to one side and it by strange coincidence caught fire to the bundle of dry straw I had never seen before that night. Quickly I shut the door and we both watched as the sprinkler system kicked in. I don’t remember what happened after the explosion but I am glad the insurance will be coming soon because I got a call from Souldefiler the very next day offering to rebuild my house after she heard what happened to my house and would there be bbq

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This thread is too wholesome!


Hooded women :coffee::coffee: there’s a reason I prefer (flower) crowns…

Yup, I love to set things on fire when either drunk or high :herb:

Why does this not surprise me with you x.x

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Id ship dunkiee and Ritalin


Thanks for the name idea for an alt…

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Erevien and moltensage

Punyelf and Slapface,
i’d kill to see their first argument

Aren’t they just the cutest


I don’t know. I don’t really like to argue with people. Sounds like a waste of time.

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Ahhh, classic Slapface. This guys a riot.

Aaaah yes a poster of culture i see!

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I’m gonna ship Afenton with Dunkiee…

Because I want to see the world burn and I want to be the one who throws a match to the petrol.


ship this post to boston to find its wooden leg

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Breaths and…


:unamused: not even had my breakfast yet and I feel nauseous now!!

I’m gonna ship Soul and Skullfox because i Reckon Skullfox might be a stage five clinger after watching him in trade chat…

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Id break him quicker than snapping a kiln dried twig…

None can resist the Souldefiler guile and wile.

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That was a fun time. Everybody coming after me with pitch forks and torches. Death threats and the whole package! Never letting trade chat know my opinion on selling names or lack of stuff to do besides m+ again thats for sure.

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