Having this same problem on my DK. I’m stuck the one where you have to interact with the crystals. I’ve tried just about everything shy of uninstalling the game, like the caddy item, manually despelling the buff, even ruined all of my addon settings by deleting WTF and cache folders, disabling addonsThe GMs remain useless since they can’t seem to help with it, referring me to US servers for problem-solving when clearly I’m an EU player. Means I can kiss Surge Pricing events good-bye for the foreseeable…
Had same problem and i was able to fix it with macro that abandon all quests
macro: /run for i=1,C_QuestLog.GetNumQuestLogEntries() do C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(C_QuestLog.GetInfo(i).questID); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest() end;
hero, thank u
This worked like a charm, absolute hero!
Looks like it works!