I Can’t complete any of the jobs on shipping and handling and when I disable the event, the objectives remain, and cant be removed, reset or anything like that.
Currently sat in Dornogal with the event “active” with the music playing. Missed so many chances to complete the Urge to Surge daily because I cant do any tasks.
Anyone else having issues like this?
I have the same issue, started yesterday.
Submitted at ticket, hope this will be resolved.
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Tried a ticket but got an AI response 
yea same… already posted 2 tickets but im still bugged on my main. Job is Express extermination in Venturewood. Still “active”, but no diffuser or roaches spawned. Cant get a new one too and i tried everything
After so many tickets they basically just said report it as bugged because right now there’s no solution to this bug
The only thing I can think of is that we are stuck in a phase of a scenario because if you drive around after enabling the jobs again, even though the green arrow doesnt show nor does the circle on the floor, you can still drive through them and start a new mini-quest but you simply cannot see or do that miniquest because we are stuck in the scenario
Mine gets to 8/10 and then resets back to zero and starts again, can’t even abandon the quest.
I cant even get that far. Im sitting in my car with the job button lit up but it doesnt give me a job at all. Just tells me i cant do that right now. Am i being stupid and
missed something???
Previously I get to 9/10 the it resets to 0 & above I cannot abandon. Today I started with 3 /10, got to 10/10 and reviewed reward. It then made me have 30 sec rest & re-set back to 0/10 … and I cannot shut the bloody musak off.
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Sorted my issue … there’s an aura which you right click to switch off … not very intuitive
Ive got a quest active that wont progress and trick clicking off the buff but wont end the quest
Yep. Same. Received a canned response from a GM telling me to uninstall my addons (As if it’s an addon issue…) and then another one saying they wont help by resetting your progress and just to submit a bug report, which is absolutely heinous. Why the support cant just reset our variable for this is INSANE, especially when its a core part of the patch world content.
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My character is bugged since Friday. Was hoping the weekly reset would sort it. Please fix this blizzard.
Well weekly reset didnt do anything. Still bugged from day 1 and i think my char will be bugged for whole patch… thanks Blizz i guess. Going to try that addon thing but i dont think it solves anything
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Yup same problem with me, I’ll randomly get to an event and it wont recognise that I’ve arrived and then that’s it. There isn’t anything I’ve found I can do to unstick that character, so I have to start back at 0 on an alt! Utterly pathetic that a bug this big wasn’t picked up before launch, or maybe it was and they just didn’t care? Both as likely as each other.
Same problem here. ut I’d like to also add to this that this bug -COMPLETELY- prevents you from doing any other thing classified as a “Bonus Objective”, the same kind of thing that these Shippin & Handling things are. Out of curiosity, I headed to a Legion zone where I still had one of these bonus objectives to do, and 'lo and behold, I simply can’t do it.
This is a seriously big problem.
Correction, I seem to be able to do the Hallowfall “Spread the Light” bonus objectives well enough.