Shiv soothe as a sin rogue

Can we do something about all rogue utility being tied more and more into dps buttons. For example, sin rogue has to sacrifice a dps cooldown to de-enrage.

I don’t necessarily have a problem with trading damage for utility but it has to apply to across the board. Why not merge poison cleansing totem with ascendance for example?

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Is it a bit… eh? Yeah, yeah it is.

But I mean, you have 2 shivs. If you really need one just save it. Enrage cleanses aren’t that big of a deal nowadays so its not a huge issue at the moment

well last i checked back inlegion we had toxic blade i dont remember however if it was still tied to shiv then but yeah would be handy if they brought it back maybe

but if they do seperate the buttons it might cause bloat

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