Should BGB grant the same rewards as Arena?

I think that you are criticising literally every idea on this forum that can bring some fresh air into already dead pvp, while hiding your profile. Just a troll who cant be taken seriously with any of your stupid posts.

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And you’re the guy who regulary asks people on forums to a 1v1 in Elwynn forest after they try to indicate, that people with room-temperature IQ (you) should not spam nonsense ideas on forums, especially after what happened to PvP for the last 2 years.

I get it bro you were a nobody for a decade and now with shuff/bgb you could basicly be hired as a PvP dev. It’s ok.

Damn. Real PvP happens on the forums apparently.

that’s the point, no one cares anymore since we have tonnes of buyers who bought themselves glad titles, mounts, elite rewards etc. yet don’t even know main damage rotation of their class. Pvp rewards lost all their sense and logic long ago before BGB

Anyone who’s purchased a Gladiator title has already been punished by life itself for their poor financial decisions.

How much money does a Gladiator boost even cost? Isn’t it several hundreds of euros?

I did the research and it’s around 700€ rn. But that’s only piloted option there’s no self-play as far as I can see lol.

2 years? Pvp in this game is dead for more than a decade. You and delusional 3v3 enjoyers will need a discord soon to be able to queue a single match.
Btw even solo shuffle that is horribly designed has more active players than 3v3.

Keep it up rejecting any changes to pvp

Keep it up also talking about iq like you have any brain to pass the test. You know “Idiocracy” movie? Its about people like you, and you are not the main hero.

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As if I am rejecting any changes. I am rejecting clowns asking for a 1v1 bracket, removing healers from PvP and 1v1 duels in Elwynn forest.

As far as I can see you do in every thread. I’ve had enough from an ape with a hidden profile, you are going into ignore.