Should BGB grant the same rewards as Arena?

We all know that BGB rating is welfare rating.
We’ve all seen the 2400 BGB players with challenger XP from last season.

They spread and multiply, they cannot be stopped.
Now is the time to ask: are these players truly worthy of Elite rewards? Should they be parading in prestigious garments, posing as our equals?
Is our culture their costume?

These are the questions I wish to see answered today.

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You dont get glad mount from BGB

Yes, but you still get everything else.

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So? You can pay a streamer 100-200k gold and get 1.8/2.1 within an hour or two.

PvP rewards arent special unless you are glad

Surely, by that logic, it can be argued that even glad is worthless because you can pay for it too.

Yes, but glad boosts require some level of input from you unless you also give access to the boosters to your account. Boosters inherently devalue getting. You can also tell if someone is a glad from 1-2 seasons where inflation is high or a glad every season by the way they play.

Rewards dont mean anything

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Isn’t that a problem that should be addressed?

You know what ? Yes

Since you can get elite in Solo shuffel , bgb is fine too.

I would even say big respect for who can get it in bgb. In solo shuffel you just need to wait until end of season and play one of the strong classes and get it for free.

But having the stamina to play bgb, gets my respect. Every round , no matter at 1,4 or 2,6 mmr has people acting like monkeys, giving me as healer multiple aneurysm throughout a match

If I see one more hunter leaving a base they are supposed to defend because they are bored of it……

Nope, who can endure 100 rounds of this deserves the rewards. I can’t and will do it over shuffel.

Either remove it from shuffel and BGB or keep it for both I would say.


With that logic why would you give respect to the same clowns who are doing what you’re caling out and gaining free rating?

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Définitely not, it’s a different mode so there should be different rewards.

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I pray to God that this clowns are the excaption and will always just be short of 1,8 so they dont even get elite transmog.

I cant even understand the math how this hunter was 2,5 mmr with 1,6cr an 16/12 win rate… this game truely branded me for life.

But if you have people who can deal with such ´´humans who seem to live with special mental conditions´´ to say it friendly, and can do it for 100 or 200 games. Ey, you suffered enough, take your tabbard that will fit to no transmogg anyway

I mean whats the difference between someone spamming bgb for free rating or abusing disc priest in shuffel at the end of the season? Both clowns as you say it

My god who cares. It’s the only PvP mode that is easily accessable, playable with a friend and inflated. There are like 20 people above 2,4k in 2v2s which was the most played bracket once and people complained that it’s too easy to push rating there and look at the game now after they gutted MMR in this mode. Is it more popular now? Absolutely not, a lot less people play it.

And no, I don’t even play BGB and haven’t played the game since 2 months (mainly because I like 2s the most but the MMR in that bracket is a complete joke this season, there are like 20-30 people above 2,4k…). If anything they should buff the MMR in the other brackets instead of thinking about ways on how to gatekeep players, imagine how dead PvE would be if there would be only 30 people who get their keystone achievements lmfao.

Should we remove the titles and rewards from SL S2 glads and DF S1 Shuffle legends as well? Because it was also “undeserved”.

I don’t even think you should be eligible to duelist / glad rewards for BGB its well-fare rating as others put it, you play slightly average in a 8v8 environment and aslong as your entire team aren’t garbo, you climb. And when you lose you lose close to no rating, if none at all due to your MMR averaging above the current Rating


For some reason, WoW players especially below average players need to be spoon-fed cosmetics otherwise they will cry and threaten to unsub. The game was literally fine for years. Actually ever since blizz decided to throw all rewards for nothing arena went to a massive decline.

Idk what it takes for people to realize that if the game was fun and gameplay engaging people would play. The issue is at it’s core of the brainrot gameplay. Rewards shouldn’t be the only thing forcing people to play and it is really sad it has come to it. Just look at other pvp games people just q knowing they won’t make it high.

PvP is just neglected completely gameplay-wise and also cosmetics are disgusting (glad mount). It is mindblowing that some people think adding even more mmr or moving glad to 1900 will fix issues.

I’ve been told for some time now SS is the future of WoW. This xpac my characters automatically logs off before shuffle Q even pops LOL.

As a healer main, it has been for me. Dragonflight is the first expansion where l played all seasons.

Is it not? Most do, and those who don’t to those it is worthless anyway cuz they’ve had glad mounts already. There are almost no new glads.

I love how bitter you all are and have to come with the most backwards sidestrack complete bull cake takes instead of simply acknowledging that its an MMR issue.
Id also like to add that the game shouldnt be this hard anyway.
Wow had a communities of boomers now, yet pvp is too fast, too many buffs debuffs and cds to track along with other mechanics and visual ques just adding to the mix.
Heres a healthier approach:
If you want players to be worthy of the rating, give them the tools to improve.
Make the game comprehensive , ban addons, add proper Ui customizations, arena frames,Diminishing Return tracker, reduce the amount of pets, buffs,procs, debuffs, Buff/Debuff filter, better visual ques and add a “dojo mode” where people can simulate arenas and try things out in a safer enviroment.

I feel like wows community and the company itself is at war with the new player.
The game isnt dying because of solo content.
People have actual reasons to quit.


I think every1 knows any rating gained in bgb and even shuffle to some extend cannot be taken seriously and there is no reason to mock people about it. It is what it is.

But then you run into the absolute worst players who will link their bgb elite and act like they own the game and you’re a nobody. It was the same with shuffle in DF.

They will spread and multiply until the game remains in it’s current braindead state.

There should be absolutely no rewards maybe a cosmetic ladder.

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every bracket should had different rewards that’s for sure. Also solo content should less reward from team rated,we start forgot that we play MMO, example (mythic raid boss doesn’t give the same reward with LFR.)
But arena got a lot of problems at the moment which it is for another topic