Should blizz hire the hobbyist coder who makes all the pvp addons?

As were on games 18 year birthday now should we finally have the hobbyist coder hired for the company? The dude who is making all the addons people use from his bedroom as his saturday night project for free

When u realise that ur using addons like bigdebuffs, omnibar, dr trackers which 1 guy makes out his home for funzies while billion dullar company havent been replicating any of them yet into the default somehow 18 years :exploding_head:

i would argue that even if we forget all else, DR is big part of the gameplay and important to track yet its not in game, even the code is hard to track like the creator said there is no support for it so its “guess work” by his words lol

Currently everything is causing lua and game freezes that we try to use, maybe it would be better to offer money for these guys for tips or give them a job?

Just a tought it would be nice

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Their UI update caused more problems than it fixed, and the game will die if it ever reaches a population small enough to where people stop making addons since they are so important to every aspect of the game now. So yeah I agree they should be reaching out to them and offering to hire/support them more.


atleast 3 of the most commonly used addon creators are pretty tired with the df changes and spaghetti code

according what i interacted with 3 of them trough github and mail

github is just flooded with issue reports for every addon since df launch and not all is fixable by them or they dont want to investigate yet as the own code on game is so buggy

pretty annoying situation for everyone

maybe it was mistake to push the launch earlier if it means release it unfinished this much

That’s really unfortunate. It sounds like the devs don’t respect how important addons are to the game. Hopefully (for them and us) they don’t have to find out the hard way.

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