Should Blizzard take notes from Baldurs Gate 3

Torghast ? Not saying it’s an answer, but it’s a start.

Also… Whole questing, in fact. There’s so much potential for personnal decisions there…

They based it on divinity 1 and 2. Same engine so it was probably easier etc to make a similar character creation.
Funny thing is, Larian studios (developer) was a bit disappointed in people making boring characters. Basically a lot of people just making humans, elves and dwarves with standard features. No tattoo, make up or skin color options that were more unique (a blue human for example)

Yeah I saw that.
“We gave you HORNS and TAILS and you made THIS?!” :rofl:
Love the studio. Mine are far more interesting.


“We gave you the possibility to be an awful monstrosity with disgusting tentacles in place of teeth and you’re playing boring human ??”

Well… Yea, that’s basically the beginning of the plot. Noone want to be an illithid.

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But i do think that it would greatly benefit from lines regarding the features chosen.
Like bundling certain customisation options in categories with additional text to go with the character in a way that marked more of its background-.
This enriches the fantasy of creating some Wildhammer dwarf, or a Bleeding Hollow orc as it is now acknowledged by the game itself. The equivalent BG3 has for “Subraces”.

You could also put in lieu of the “Subclass” bit, the class specs. Maybe with additional flavour text such as addressing them in the particular way certain races see them (Sunwalkers, Prelates or Bloodknights, instead of generic “Paladins”). Even if gameplay-wise, they remain the same.

Then, you’d also have the “Background” bit. This one would be completely new to WoW, but would still seem rather innocuous beyond giving additional info, or maybe some adapted lines in certain quests (Blizzard has shown that they can do such rather easily).

In all, i think WoW has the elements to adapt their own kind of RPG creation screen. And now that they also have the options, i do think its a monumental waste to not feed on them to create a more engaging experience.

That reminds me of a comment I made some time ago regarding factions and reputations in wow.

Basically, this was about the faction bias alliance/horde and how to deal with it. At some point, I said it’s weird that other factions seem to play a very little role in the lore, gameplay wise.
For example, you hear of cenarion circle mostly in TBC, then suddenly, they seem to cease to be a thing.
Same can be said about almost all the factions in game.

They serve their purpose during the time of an expac or worse during few questlines. Then they simply cease to be on the scene.

Cenarion circle don’t care so much about Azeroth, do they ? Afterall, where were they while N’Zoth was doing his “invasion thing” (if I even dare call that an invasion).

Maybe that’s because it is D&D. It’s set in Forgotten Realms and uses edition 5 of the D&D Ruleset

I saw couple of minutes when Heelvsbabyface played beta access and i really loved what i saw. Battle reminds so much from past XCOM games mixed with a RPG like Baldur’s gate games. I however shall wait until they remove early access label. Well, i have tons of nice candy to make anyway. :smiley: hehe. :candy: :blush:

WoW’s character creation was primitive when it was launched, there where already MMO’s in existence (SWG) that had far more options available on the creation screen.

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