For those familiar with the game that just launched, it isn’t extremely imaginative in terms of physical appearance, but it does mash well its distinct visual traits with stuff like background lore.
In all, I think that turning back to this RPG roots, even if they create certain limits, would make the gaming experience a lot better in terms of personal investment.
As things are at the moment, it seems as if Blizzard is simply letting go of their own setting.
They have a long history that they want to keep and ideals within the framework that they have laid out.
It’s not always as simple and easy as creating new meshes, they have to consider armour, spell effects, people’s systems in which to play the game, the need to do so ultimately too.
We are getting quite a grand overhaul tomorrow but it’s true to WoW and I quite like the customisation expansion as is - with wanting more for certain races.
I’m not really talking about adding bonuses, or forcing gameplay even more with additional boosts depending on race.
I’m more talking about working on an UI that mashes the visuals, lore, and gaming aspects (racials), in a similar way as Baldurs Gate has done.
Maybe implementing some final customised “Profile page” with the combination you chose. But that would be the extension of it.
Origins in BG3 are choices you make (during the creation of your characters) that will have an impact on both gameplay and scenario.
Our characters (in wow) are potentially 16 year old (since wow was released in 2004).
It would be weird to have to create a new character to get this origins screen. In fact, more than weird, it would make no sense.
Just let our characters make relevant choices with branching quests, for example, and then lock you into a specific path because you definitively can’t have a talk with King Foltest after you killed him.
So, that’s basically what Blizz is doing with covenants.
Blizzard should take notes from a lot of games and stop going down the same boring path for decades. Dont get me wrong i love WoW but it can be so much more.
Aren’t plenty of said circumstances already being tacitly taken into account even if the interface lacks actual clarification regarding them?
As soon as you create a race your are setting its origins.
Addressing the creation like BG3, would be simply to create a more solid groundwork for traits that you are already tacitly acknowledging.
There is no need to go the extra mile about alignment for example, but the class, race, and distinct racial traits such as dark fur for Tauren, grey skin for Orcs, or blue eyes for BEs, could already lay the foundations to create a more elaborate and richer experience for the character creation bit
I find the character creation for BG3 rather limited, really. I was surprised there aren’t any facial sliders. Perhaps there will be in the future, I don’t know. The only thing would be having a colour palette so I can have whatever hair and eye colour I wish.
tbh, a nice thing regarding character creation in WoW would be something like answering questions about what your character did when various events occured.
Even better if these events can no longer be played today.
I didn’t like the top down view when watching someone but playing myself I don’t mind. My only gripe is that I can’t swing the camera round with my mouse, I have to use delete and end. Otherwise I love the gameplay and it’s very true to 5th edition. The RPG element reminds me of Dragon Age as well and I rather like it so far. More than DoS as well.
Unfortunately WoW can’t really have something like this and have it mean anything because there is no real individualism in the characters. Everyone plays the exact same story, the only choice we ever got (afaik) was siding with Sylvanas or Saurfang and even that has so far led to nothing.
Unless they introduced a purely solo element, such as GW2 Story or SWTOR class story, that element of an RPG wouldn’t work in WoW.
I do too but unfortunately due to the UK’s random local lockdown bananarama we can’t do that in person any more and I just don’t like roll20, so we’re going to play Baldur’s gate instead.