Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

But is the skin color the problem there? I don’t know anything about D&D races.

Dwarves are getting diversed skin tones, it was confirmed at blizzcon.

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If you wanted them to be “Normalized in society”, certain outlets or self-righteous people wouldn’t be making a massive deal about them (Not saying that you are self-righteous, but that is usually the kind of individual who props them up).

Only thing I get out of these “Representations” is that they are something to be gawked at. “Look at our gay character!”. If anything that Marvel has shown recently, is that arbitrary “Repesentation” backfires, and comes off as fetishistic (And let’s be honest, it does sound like people have a fetish for it when they make it as a bigger deal than it has to be).

That is true. However people seem to have resorted to saying that the only commonality you can have, is in physical attributes, rather than characteristic attributes. It’s rather narrow-minded to think, that someone who is white can truly deeply get invested with a white character, or black with a black character, so on and so forth.

“You aren’t a minority, so you don’t get it.” Well, that’s rather dismissive. Technically I am a minority because I am left-handed, and there are too many right-handed characters in games :stuck_out_tongue:
Although I will admit I got a little giddy when I saw Nero from Devil May Cry be left-handed (Basically, seeing as his weapon attacks are done with the left hand), but that was it, just a mild sense of giddynes, before continuing on as normal without resorting to fetishizing his left arm.

Found the underhanded bigot white-straight-dude saviour.

Maybe it is me being cynical, but I have a hard time seeing it as “Them doing a good thing”, when they retcon a character to become gay, most likely purely out of a marketing angle. Just a shame people of those groups don’t see that.

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At the end of the day. Would we NEED it? Not particularly, but does having it completely destroy the race from it’s roots to the day Shadowlands is released? No.

It is an option and honestly I feel rather indifferent to it, saying this as a former Sin’dorei RPer as well. I do hope that people do not use darker skintones as a excuse to go full-on Headcanon Boogaloo, though. Sin’dorei are still Sin’dorei.

Yeah that is when a arbitary thing people are just born with is tried to be forced into being inherently special, when it is mostly just… Being different?

Very narrow way of looking at things. I felt very included and represented in seeing the LGBT characters in Overwatch, and I was genuinely happy to see that I can finally make characters in-game that look like me.

You can’t just claim that us wanting to be seen is political/“marketing”. Wanting a part in the space isn’t the same as stealing the space from you.


I don’t. I assume this is because they’re more obscure and not as widely copied, and they don’t feel like their creators made EEEEEVIL the main part of their identity.

I think it’s important to celebrate inclusion – at the very least, it’s an effective response to the immediate bile that comes from rightwing media about “politics in video games”.

You are right. The New Warriors was condescending and offensive. I don’t know wtf Marvel was trying to achieve there, because they missed the mark completely. Safespace has a really interesting power though, I’ll give him that.

I know you’re being facetious, but I’m also left-handed and we both know it’s an utterly false equivalence.

I consider it a net positive, as discussed previously in this thread. Their motives are more corporate than moral, but I’ll take it because the design team have clearly done an excellent job in making those characters.


I am however also of the mindset, that not every character or race has to/should resemble us/share traits with us, the player. Since especially us RPers are here to play different roles and -Characters-, however once again.

This potential skin texture option is a customization option. It won’t be forced on anyone and it doesn’t change the race as a whole from the ground up.

As I said before, I don’t personally care much if it happens or does not happen, but I can understand the people on both sides of the argument and why they are bringing up the points and topics they are, however making this some deeply political set issue will just cause a can of worms to be opened and fester in this thread.


I think you’re right. Ultimately the most important point is that it 1) offers representation to those people who want it and 2) offers greater customisation.

I said it earlier, but: it helps everyone and hurts no one.



You seen Snowflake and Safespace?

If you genuinely felt like a game has more value or felt overwhelming joy because you could make a character that “Looks like you”, then you really must have no other worries in life.

I normally don’t care. It’s when people try to make a big deal out of it do I start to groan and facepalm.

groans even louder
Except both sides do wrong and push away people who are stuck in the middle of “I don’t care”. The left make a big deal out of it and it annoys the middle, the bad guys (Not the “Muh right wing” because Rightwingers are just anyone right of Bernardo) push the middle away because they are being silly, what does that leave you with then? People unhappy with both sides.

True. It’s always interesting to see superheroes with innate support powers rather than being offensive or defensive. Unfortunately it sucks for him because he can’t use the bubbles to defend himself. So you hit him first then well… You’re done.

In regards to New Warriors themselves: It’s out-of-touch lunatics trying to “Get in with the new generation”, and think that it’s perfectly okay to promote obesity.

The point I wanted to make was that making a big deal out of “Muh representation” is stupid. And to then present what should be considered as a normal reaction to seeing said “Representation”. See my reaction to DMC’s Nero being left-handed.

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What sort of dumb hot take is this tho, its bait, it has to be bait. I refuse to believe otherwise.

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That’s starting to come across as a little tone deaf at this point

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Oh look. It’s a can of worms.

Oh jesus. Someone opened it and tossed the lid away!

This just draws attention to the fact you have a very narrow understanding of how minorities, especially racial minorities, experience and consume media as a whole. Again, our existence is not political. Us wanting the same customisation options as you isn’t an attack on your ‘centralism’.

If you truly want a “don’t care” approach, then treating yourself as “the default” and anything else as “political; pandering; leftist” is not the way to go about it.


I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how to respond to this in good faith.

“I like representation for historically marginalised groups and I am going to loudly celebrate it.”
“I hate representation for historically marginalised groups and I am going to angrily jeer it.”
“These are the same.”


One is an honest and open-faced dislike, which we can all agree is not exactly money.

The other is so loud that it can get a bit annoying, but on closer inspection can be just as hateful towards anyone who isn’t in 100% support of it, with the saying of “This is the best thing ever, and if you have any problem with it, then you are alt-right filth!”, which isn’t exactly money either.

You can say “But this is only the extremes that say that!”, and guess what: The people who dislike it are also an extreme.




Hard disagree.

You can have a perfectly relatable characters- regardless of their skin or race or any other atributes. Not to say that you can’t use them to make a character relatable, that can be done good (e.g. Dragon prince) without disrupting the narrative. But more often than not, it isn’t (e.g Star wars sequels)

Its kind of like whats up with WH40K atm. The universe is filled to the brim with caricatures, grimdarkness and grittiness as well as set rules (e.g. there are no female orks or spacemarines) and quite frankly adding up representation for the sake of making the setting more relatable would just ruin it.

By all means, add representation to new games and narratived but keep them away from settings that have consciously not touched upon the said issues. Anyway, since WoW hasn’t taken a conscious steo either way, I think the options are ok to have. Not because they add representativeness but because they add customization.


Orcs don’t really have a gender at all though so isn’t that a bit of a moot point?