Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

  • Orks

Also despite them not having gender per-say, it’d be intellectually dishonest to argue that they do not look masculine.

Extremely so.

Edit 2: They even refer to themselves as “Boyz”.

Having no customisation options for PoC (and infact removing some in the WoD model update, RIP Asian human male face/darker skin tones) isn’t the same as not having a stance. Representation isn’t an inherently political thing; a setting doesn’t have to directly address its lack of options for it to be an issue. Its lack of non-European customisation options for humans said enough.

Anyway, bit of a moot point on my part considering Shadowlands is finally adding these options to humans and dwarves. The fact I’m more excited for that compared to any of the actual features says a lot; these things matter to people.


We can change that! Make them all look suddenly feminine, even if it would make them seem less intimidating in the process.

Now that is rude! Why would you call them pieces of crap?


Think this concludes the discussion nicely.


I don’t think the aggressive approach to social justice from a subsect of the movement qualifies as a valid reason to oppose said movement – and, make no mistake, taking the “centre ground” on social justice is an opposition to it.

You can relate to a character’s representation or their personality. These things aren’t mutually exclusive, and both are perfectly justifiable and fine. Mogi in this thread is a good example. Would you invalidate his experience because you don’t place any personal importance on minority representation?

Regarding Blood Elves, having a dark skin option wouldn’t disrupt the narrative – not even slightly.

The mask slips. :clown_face:

Anyway, I think I’ll leave it that for now (unless something worth discussing comes up), because I reckon we’ve all said our piece now.


Sorry for getting worked up for what is essentially nothing; after all, we are getting these options, and honestly, I’m happy enough with just humans getting it. It’s a little overdue, but hey, them being added late just means the faces/hair will be higher quality than the default.


The female dwarf hair options look awesome. I’m big into my celtic vibes at the moment, and the Wildhammer may scratch that itch (although Night Elves also give me what I need there too).


I’m lowkey peeved by this because the old options are no doubt going to look outdated in comparison. I hope they fix the pinecone beard :unamused:

Gonna bring back my Wildhammer Shieldmaiden in Shadowlands exactly because of this

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Yeah I would if it affected how the setting has been built from the start/represented (e.g. the female space marine/ork argument), because it’d be curbing my experience of the game. That isn’t however the case in WoW and as Mogi pointed out these options used to exist before too- So I don’t mind them.

Just gunna repeat that the 40 options per race is rookie numbers and they should keep building om this with every patch.


Thank you for confirming that social justice is nothing more than a “You are with us, or you are against us!” movement.

Not my fault that your racist label of “Person of Color” shares ground with poo.

And yes, I will call it a racist label, same as I consider “BAME” a racist label. Don’t like it? Fight me.

But at the end of the day, I can’t say “No” to more customization. I just hate it when people try to make it a big and massive deal.





Is the “No female space marines” a similar “Problem” as “No female Witchers” to some people?

EDIT: Asking since I am a total n00b when it comes to Warhammer.

I don’t know much about Space Marines or Orks, but I do quite enjoy that the latter are broadly agender space mushrooms (and I’d generally consider ‘da Boyz’ to be a genderless term despite its masculine imagery).

Fantasy that has gender niches can be cool but it can also be a bit painful, it entirely depends on the writers and world building tbh.

The subject of PoC in fantasy universes is obviously gonna be a weird one, but, I think it depends on the universe in question and how its races work. Elder Scrolls for example has its human races divided into Celtic, Nordic, Mediterranean and continental African by actual in-game races, with lore explanations behind each.

My reason for ‘advocating’ for it within Warcraft’s setting is because the humans (and, I’d argue, the dwarves and belves) explicitly lack that, most simply being Titan creations which can look like whatever without needing much reasoning.


The three imperial sub cultures represent the “Three Romes” so they also manage to cover Slavic inspiration as extra under Colovians

Before BFA I would have written a reply as to why I don’t believe Blood Elves and their aesthetic should keep confirming to human or real world standards because then they wouldn’t be very elven.

BFA has shown me that this type of reasoning is exclusive to a very select few people, none of which work with the narrative or visual design of the game so f#ck it why not, have elves of every color and creed.