Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?


Inventing a new faction of different skinned [race] out of nowhere to justify customisation options?

Seems farfetched to me.

anyway add pinkskin nelves

Sandfury are basically vassals of the Zandalari now, right? Maybe they aid the Horde in the same capacity as their bosses.

This kind of outlook on it is a bit stupid. The Horde has a history of having mercenaries of varying races, even those whom are traditionally not seen with the Horde or in their main ranks.

Why would a Sand Troll be a total “WE DO NOT DO THAT HERE!!” if the option is given players to choose from?

The Horde isn’t as welcoming as people make it out to be tbh.

So does the Alliance, but if you rock up as a tauren into stormwind they’re still gonna murder you lickity split. If you justify it as “mercenaries” then everything is playable for any faction.

From what I understand all trolls are welcome to Zandalar- Regardless of what tribe or affiliation they come from.

Unless they are directly opposed to Zandalari, e.g. Blood trolls. Hell, even sandfury, Amani and Gurubashi continue to stay in the city, after the coup attempt.

#Notalltribes I guess.

Anyway this doesn’t to me seem like they are necessarily vassals to Horde, though they certainly can be allies to Zandalari (Which are not members of the Horde, but allies, as Talanji demanded).

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Definetely not.

Don’t give the Dragons or Liches any ideas now.

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Zandalari, technically, aint Horde. But allies to the Horde.

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I wouldn’t have a problem with the Sandfury joining the Horde outright. It’d be similar to the Dark Iron joining the Alliance, broadly speaking.

Thing is that the Dark Iron have been allied with the Alliance way before BfA, that’s why it became such a meme that they were only now officially recognized as part of the faction.

All you have to do to join the Horde is find the most inept people among them and help them doing mundane tasks like laundry and stomping on grapes. Worked for the Vulpera.

Chasing Sand Trolls out of Horde lands is a Horde RP tradition. I don’t want it to be taken away.

If the option becomes available, obviously the said trolls are allowed canonically in Horde- The guards (supposedly) won’t be aggroing you the moment you enter horde territory, which means they are welcome.

Whether they are sand trolls or not is really the crux of it. I personally think that if it looks like a sand troll (which look -very- distinguishable from their forest and jungle cousins), it probably is a sand troll.

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You don’t need trust 3 to post youtube or wowhead links

You know that scene from Family Guy where they have the “Okey to Not Okey” skin colour chart? Yeah.

“Oh no looks like your skin is just a bit off from the right shade of blue. Off to the chopping block for you! Zug zug”

Nice, bullying trolls is an aerilen tradition.

Which, technically, would also make allies of the said allies allies of the Horde, no? Similar to how Taunka, Stonemauls and Maghar are to the Zandalari?

Not necessarily, allies of allies don’t have to be your ally.

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I’m thinking of Steamwheedle goblins here. While not technically Horde (which is a bit of a meme at this point), they are clearly welcome in Zandalari, all the same, as allies of the Horde.