Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

We have entered the kink zone.

I loom in the distance.

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I’m so glad I entered this thread just in time for this to be the topic of conversation :weary:

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Telaryn and Aerilen just can’t help themselves. It’s a disease.

Mea culpa.

We need two more elf factions to fill out the slots.


The Windfarer Caliphate and the Illidari


I’m curious, what options would you add to the less humanoid races (e.g. orcs, tauren, trolls, etc)?

Are Finn’s white, Joe?

No simple as.


The Mag’har tattoo/body modification options.

Maybe different variants of cattle for their horns? Definitely more face options; they’ve got diddly squat there.

They’re getting loads of customisation, Sand Troll skin etc.

When sand trolls aint even part of the horde but we gonna see an influx of them.

:nauseated_face: :stop_sign:

Edit oh my lord trust level 3 get hyped pillar of the community here i come

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Curious, a lot of people seem to look forward to playing a wildhammer dwarf (since that option is coming for Dwarves), but when people express the same joy for RPing a sand troll in future in the Horde, they’re told that “actually they’re just dark spear trolls”.


I mean, for whatever it’s worth, Tyrande chose Malfurion over Illidan.

Illidan was that kid that ran like naruto to each class and wore surpluss military boots all the time though. I don’t think it was a hard choice for tyrande.


Wildhammer are part of the Alliance, farakki aren’t part of the Horde.

I was looking at the same picture, what foul magic is this

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Which leads to 2 conclusions. Either
a) The said sand trolls are part of the Darkspear or
b) They’re a separate group of trolls that are now as well part of the Horde (e.g. Wildhammer dwarves).

There’s of course the option c that Jungle trolls suddenly start looking like sand trolls because…Reasons?

I know I’d add some more faces to pandaren, option to separate eyebrows from beards, etc… I imagine we’ll be getting the basic stuff; tattoos for most races, piercings for males, full-beard options for orcs and trolls.

Illidan watched the Matrix and substituted Neo for his personality, like Telaryn substituted his for the The Office(us).