Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

Case & point: Turalyon & Alleria

Thanks a lot retards who asked for their return.

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You cannot convince me that Turalyon coming back as a grizzled old Doomguy who spent 30 years in hell fighting demons wouldn’t have been the best thing ever.

But we got what we got and we’re all worse off for it.

While this is v true, I do think it’s important to separate out the reasoning between adding visibly non-human customisation options - where you can and should tell stories about how they came about - and adding options for the human or human-coded races, where you almost always should not.

Quick example: a large LARP system recently changed the rules on how to portray Drow in their setting. Previously, the main way was full black facepaint - which drew a lot of comparisons from BME* folks that it felt uncomfortably similar to minstrel blackface.

This year, the system has changed so that black or brown facepaint is no longer an option as a base layer. No in-game justification has been (or should be) given for this, because the issue isn’t that Drow make Dwarves uncomfortable but that actual real-life humans are feeling excluded.

*british-english speak for non-white

Heavy breathing

Chose my words carefully here, my behooved friend

I’m travelling atm ((private transport!!!)) And signal isn’t great, i’ll toss the tweets up here later.

Tweet from seven years ago with Kosak speculating it’s a bug

Tweet from last year with some guy saying it’s possibly part of a deep and compelling character backstory that he wouldn’t want to spoil so he can’t answer the question.

Mental image of Aerilen desperately trying to text out ‘i wish maiev would step on me’ before the lights change and he has to drive


I want MOTHER to step on me.


He should play a dh then.

Honestly i’ve ironically joked about this so much that not even i’m sure about whether it’s still that, never mind other people any more.

I’ve had to stop myself saying ‘based’ IRL so ironic usage always becomes normal.

Yes, that means everything y’all say ironically.

I look into the camera

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Can’t believe i memed myself into wantin to be shoved into a locker by a gang of amazonians.



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Did we reach a whole new level of irony where it started to rebound towards being unironic?


You like strong women and you’re probably a bottom.

That’s okay. I support you.

Or are we still playing 6-dimensional Ludo for cheap memes and really bad banter? It’s a mystery to us all…

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you can safely remove this word

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I’m something of an 8D Gwent master

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This but unironically

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