Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

I mean I completely understand the fact that people (Including myself too) are used to the Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei being depicted as fair skinned elves in the Warcraft lore, but of course if they do implement a option to have darker skinned options, that itself will just be more customization for people and their characters.

I am not at all going with the mindset of “IF YOU DON’T WANT THEM, THAT MAKES YOU A RACIST AUTOMATICALLY REEEE”. All of it depends on the “Why I don’t want them/like them”


While I am not necessarily averse to the notion of darker skinned blood elves, I don’t think they have to match us IRL like the wow humans will. Blood elves are specifically not human, they do not share a common ancestor at any point in history. And that’s okay.


I’d take issue with the idea the only reason we’re getting darker skin tones is because of political correctness, really.
More avenues for player expression shouldn’t be viewed as an inherently political move, imho.

I don’t play Blood Elves (y-yet, aerilen…), but I’m happy for the people who’d want to RP a Blood Elf with darker skin and finally have that option.


Just don’t want no damn politics in my games.

I say while playing a game that’s really unsubtle criticism of endless wars and the military-industry-market.


This is the most important thing to take away – and that it doesn’t hurt anyone to have these customisation options.


Well, I do appreciate the benefit of the doubt!

I think that’s where we differ.

Virtue signaling is a considerable pet peeve of mine, and it’s growing hard for me to not view certain “strides towards representation” through the glasses of a cynic. Political or not - it often seems to be a way for companies to cover their rears, rather than show any actual belief in what they practice.

Maybe you’re right about it being a net positive regardless of the motives behind it; that’s something for me to consider. :man_shrugging:

Basically yeah. Probably healther to focus on that.

Virtue-signalling does annoy me too, but I prefer to look at the – like you said – net positive of it. Their intentions are probably motivated by greed not morals, but man I just want some more cool options for character design (and representation).

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Honestly I think “40 new customisations!!!” for each race, when you cut it down to genders and each catagory for customisation. Is really weak, WoW’s customisation is the weakest of all MMOs atm.

Blizzard need calling out for their anaemic efforts and they should do more, if I get enough upvotes i’ll become a manager there and work the place like a sweatshop. There will be 40 new customisations each day.


I don’t even need more fur colours, just give us more than one face. :sob:

(More non-niche hair styles would be cool too).


That was my favourite part of PoE2 honestly. They didn’t go half-effort on it.

For me, it’s either they’re going to retcon that they were always there (lazy, seems almost tokenism because none of the major characters are going to be dark skin, so is it really bumping the representation?) or suddenly add them out of nowhere by way of plot (inherently othered, not ‘real’ BElves, creates a weird divide, why not just add another race if you want to go down that route, etc.).

Humans don’t have the issue - they were always there (and if anything Blizz should have copped more flack for removing the dark skin option with the WoD model updates) but BElves are established as universally fair skinned, both in game and in lore.

And I don’t wanna suggest anything but it bugs me a bit how the conversation is always focused on specifically BElves and never dwarves/gnomes, the other “fair skins”.


Blizzard will end up adding every dual-coloured Anime protagonist hair to Pandaren, don’t you worry.

Because blood elves are designed to be hot. Why do you think 50% of female Horde characters on AD are blood elves, and the other nine or so races share the other 50%?

Insert the usual ‘I am looking at a rear when I play so it might as well be a hot rear’ explanation.

I suplex Baine as he demolishes tauren lore in one expansion while the blood elves harvest a dead loa to make robo-soldiers.

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Yes! Absolutely! I have two elves who are fairly dark skinned and the darkest available option we have at the moment is nowhere close to what I imagine them looking like. I love the idea of darker skintones for elves.

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Hah; I think I ran this RP event!

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Kaitylinn MVP? I think so…

Like Elenthas said, while I don’t care if they do get added I’d only want it if there’s an actual sudden reason for it. Blood/High Elves are fair-skinned. All of them, no exception.

They aren’t representation for real world Humans, just like other races such as Trolls aren’t. Fantasy races do not need to adhere to real world standards of diversity and acceptance.


Sure, but I’d assume there’s still some people playing gnomes/dwarves who want it too. Never seems to crop up though, for better or worse.

It shouldn’t really be limited it to just ‘fair skin’ races either honestly, if it’s happening - NElves, goblins, orcs, draenei, etc.

Honestly, a culture dedicated to reverance of the sun as a cultural symbol remaining totally mayo doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me anyway.


Dwarves are getting darker skin options, though.

Unless I’ve misunderstood, and the question is more “why are people talking about blood elves and not x race”, which the answer is probably just “more people play blood elves”