Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

are you implying it isn’t sunny in mayo countries Loras? Because trust me, i’ve seen the sun once and it wasn’t a big deal.


Yugi Stormstout, the Hearthstone enthousiast cousin of Lili.

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I mean Yu-Gi-Oh is known for its exaggerated hair even more than Dragon Ball, and it may as well have inspired some of the spiky hedgehog hairstyles and beards we have in-game :joy:

I said BE specifically because they are the most popular race, they could new skin tones to the Gnomes and most probably wouldn’t even notice it lol.

Huh, wasn’t aware of that. Seems likely dark BElves are happening too then.

Maybe, yeah.

Deep down we all know BE are Horde humans :laughing:

As opposed to what? The cow-humans or the green humans? lol

not for much longer once they add pinkskin orcs


They must give Yugi’s hair to Gnomes so I can make a Yugi gnome warlock and summon Felguard in attack mode.


I was kinda worried at first Blizzard would skip on new pandaren customisation because we’re so few playing them.

But yeah, gnomes exist. So I doubt popularity will be a factor in it, thankfully.

I wouldn’t mind brown gnomes, honestly I am pretty sure the humans, gnomes and dwarves atleast will get brown and tanned (arabian? North african?) skin colours.

It’s just a question if the blood elves will get 'em too.

Lok’tar Ogar…

Since dwarves are getting them I am pretty sure Gnomes will aswell, although they probably wont get the corresponding faces just like dwarves.

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Hope we’ll get leper gnome customisations too! Then I’ll be the happiest gnome player in WoW!


Also I just wanna note that despite humans having dark skin as canon since forever, their Notable list of characters in wowpedia has zero that aren’t fair from what I can tell.

So don’t expect much from blizz is all I’m saying.

But only for Forsaken :slight_smile:

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I don’t see why they shouldn’t get them. More options is always good.

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I think Gnome will get that aswell, it’s honestly the first thing most people think off when they talk gnome customisation.

I don’t care much about skin, but give me proper beard (and maybe moustache) For Belves.


You should. Proper moisturizing is the key to true happiness.

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Fyte me IRL over it. There’s one living peacefully amongst the Alliance in the train station too :stare:

Also, isn’t the majority of gnomekind either Leper or mecha nowadays anyway?