Should Blood Elves get the new diversed human skin tones in SL?

you have brought a curse into this thread

has it not suffered enough

as an irish person

the “irish were slaves” thing used by irish americans is a ridiculous myth that, as you say, is constantly used by racists to suggest that actual victims of slavery weren’t really victims - irish americans are the absolute worst

I… huh? What’s going on here.

I think this thread needs some clown to be cleansed.


And please give me moustaches and beards for Blood elves.

tiocfaidh ár lá

Insert that anecdotal evidence about the proud irish american with the last name Cromwell and the time he attempted to trace his family back to Ireland.

Insert sensible chuckle

Americans and the english is the same.

Honestly, it should only be called slavery if it comes from the Slav region, otherwise it’s just masochism without a safeword.


I didn’t look at this thread for one day and this happens. Jesus christ.

Kyllä meistä vielä kolmannelle valtiolle tykinruokaa pojat saadaan odottakaa vaan.

Hrmghmrmgm perkele

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oo-ah up the ra


The german intro is better.

You take that back you take that BACK!! :sob:

Yeah if I get a Ganguro skin tone.

Like what? Estonia??

If Blood Elves get Human-like skin tones, then we should also get “Human Potential.”

Be the perfect, jack-of-all-trades

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A consul…of Rome…

Hadrian did absolutely nothing wrong.

TFW you BTFO a rebel group so bad it takes them more than a millenia to recover.

One is a millenium - millenia’s the plural!

And I thought I’d get through this entire thread without me and Boush clowning on each other

What words mean vs how words are used in practice

It’s like when a boomer says that coomer is not a word.

et tu arano

stupid academics, challenging my syntax policing

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Just protecting my own hide for the inevitable scenario where I use millenia over a millenium because I think it sounds better.