Should Dragonflight be delayed? Does Blizzard care about quality?

Wow, actually owned them hahaha

So? Does not mean anything, what if they do not refund you? Sure you can sue activision for 60 euro, but good luck with that, that court case is gonna cost you all your savings probabbly+ its gonna take years.

They’re going to if you request it, they’re not going to want to deal with what comes with denying a refund when you’re legally entitled to it.

Ohh you mean “*World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight will be available on or before December 31, 2022.” i mean i can’t see a “guaranteed” in there, so i guess if they want to change that release date, they just can?

No, this is a prepurchase, not a preorder, they’re supposed to deliver it by then or earlier or you have the right to cancel the purchase.

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very weird/cringe to ignore elahris comment on purpose, where they literally cited the law in their country, just so you feel like you won an argument with stupid semantics

Law can change from country to country, my guy, Belgium for example straight up banned Lot boxes, doesn’t mean it’s a Law in affect for every country in the EU.

this u

Blizzard shouldn’t delay a game simply because another game was delayed.

The can - and I hope if Dragonflight needs it they will - delay it, but considering how far ahead Dragonflight must be already in development, I’d assume a delay isn’t needed. They announced the expansion late, but considering how we basically get no new content after 9.2, I think it’s perfectly fine to keep the release window.

I mean, except a few abilities being broken on the alpha the game seems pretty playable to me from the content I’ve done there so far. There’s a few places where the world disappears in certain camera angles but I doubt they’ll let that go live.

They saw some people on youtube say “They should delay every time, so the product will be better. It has to be the product of the century”

What they don’t realize is, that it won’t be alot more enjoyable, if it comes a year later, and in the end, nobody will profit from a delay.

not playing the game, but I have almost 10 more ilvl than you xd

And you still don’t manage to time Mechagon Workshop, let alone have a positive Win rate in 2 v 2.

sue me. I’ve done one pug, where the tank dc’ed for 5 minutes.
but ye, I mainly just wrote on forums, since i didn’t have time to play rly, and I don’t use social media outside of wow forums currently hahahaha
It’s my twitter now

I can respect that, not gonna lie.

If the company is American it’s probably not true. They value the money over anything else most likely.

You assume everyone who prepurchased will want a refund?

So lets say you’d refund.

  • You’d lose your pre-order bonus (this has happened plenty of times before)
  • You’d not get the game at release, meaning you’d have to buy it anyway
  • When you buy it outside of the pre-order you will not get the pre-order bonus, meaning you’ll get less for your buck back

I have to ask what’s the point in asking fur a refund with this in mind? the only time this seems like a smart thing to do is if you plan to simply not play at all over the delay.

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To be fair, things are in our own hands on how we approach DF. Regardless of a delay or not, we can at most check the expansion for 1-2 months and then maybe return for the last patch. I kinda did that accidentally with SL and its been easier to just get along with the thought on how trash its been.

Even better, if ppl dont want to, they dont even need to try it but simply follow some of the better known wow content creators and they will get a decent idea on whats going on.

I remember they said Dragonflight progress started before Shadowlands came if I am not wrong.

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You are right. Blizzard normally work 1-2 expansions in advance, so DF was in development when SL went live. Similarly, the foundations for the expansion after DF are mist likely in place and proper development will start probably early next year

having tried some rogue stuff on alpha now, the bugs are out of control. there are sooo many bugs, far more than i experienced in prior tests. a large portion of talents and abilities do not work properly, or even work at all. that’s before you even start talking about design concerns. it still feels really early, which is a little concerning cause the expansion is fairly close to release.