Should Hunter lose Scatter Shot? given the amount of CC they have?

I feel like 30 second CD scatter shot is absurdly powerful given the amount of defensive toolkit and crowd control tool kit they have?

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not much different than the spam a rogue,mage or druid to do so I’d say nah

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yes and druid loose cyclone

Scooter breaks on damage, it has a long cooldown and it cant be spammed like cyclone, fear, poly and cheap shot.

It is the worst CC in the game. Thats why blizzard implemented a talent that improves scooter by making the cooldown reset when we drop below 40% health.

The talent got implemented this expansion because they knew how bad it was… It cant be spammed and breaks on damage.
However they need to keep improving it by adding new talents;

Hunter talent tree:
*Scatter shot is now AoE. Anyone within a hunters range gets affected including pets. Damage cant break scatter shot.

New PvP talent added:
Improved Scatter shot.
*Scatter shot is now spammable.

Enemies will be disoriented first for 4 sec, 2 sec and a third time for 1 sec.
Diminishing returns 18 sec.

Low quality bait.

You responded, so it is not.

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Bait works only when someone takes it seriously…

rogue yes, mage, no.

no much different than instant ranged cc, mage doesn’t have that.
yes im whiteknighting mage deal with it.

also, im okay with scatter/freezing trap

im not okay with pet stun, and silence, those have 0 drawback and are basically unvoidable, while scatter might not be avoidable (unless predict) but breeaks on dmg, so its fair.

Did you really feel the need to make two posts about BM in less than 12 Hours? Constantly complaining with different alts is just weird mate.

Just turn binding shot into a root again. I really don’t need 4 ccs which overlap drs in two different categories. Give me a free bind.

Oh I really miss the old binding shot from shadowlands. 8 sec root that didnt break on damage.

I miss a lot of stuff from Shadowlands

Another thing that I miss is the kyrian ability to shoot through walls and pillars. It lasted for like 10-12 seconds and also gave the enemy a 4 second debuff if they left the ring so we could still hit them.

Blizzard please give hunters the wallhack back!

I run the nerfed version, killzone is just a fraction of what made arrow good, but for 2 talent points you can still kill stuff through walls

you literally have it, just use it.

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